Chapter 33

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Armin ran over to the group of shifters, Erwin had asked him to locate them and bring them back to his office now the commanders of the military police and garrisons had left. The shifters were currently sat in the canteen gathered around a large table talking to one another, Mikasa was also there at Annie's side. When Armin approached them the conversation died down as they turned to face him.

"Erwin wants everyone to come back to his office, now the commanders have gone, there are things he needs to discuss with you" Armin explained, the shifters looked at each other before standing up and heading towards Erwin's office, Hanji and Erwin were waiting for the others to arrive. Armin took his place beside Erwin's side whilst the titan shifters spread out but all standing near the exit to ensure they would be able to escape if needed.

"I have asked you all back here because we need to start planning on how we can defeat Zeke, so does anyone have any ideas" Erwin explained.

"We could aim for one of his weaknesses" Annie said.

"and what would that be?" Erwin asked confused with what Annie was trying to say, he hated that none of the titan shifters would ever give him a straight answer. Annie looked over at Ava who was looking straight at her.

"No, no no no no no" Ava said after she had worked out what Annie was implying.

"What?" Eren said.

"Ava, his wife, she would be one of his weaknesses, and we would be able to use that to our advantage" Annie replied. 

~1 year later~

Everyone was in a mad rush, all their plans had finally been put in place after a year of planning today they were finally planning to take down the beast titan then the pure titans after. Eren was scared that everything they had worked for would be for nothing, Levi wrapped his arms around Eren's waist and pulled his boyfriend close.

"Look after yourself when we are out there today" Levi whispered into Eren's ear.

"You too, this might be the first time you transform out of a controlled area, anything could happen" Eren replied before turning in Levi's arms so he was facing him.

"I love you Eren" Levi muttered.

"I love you too" Eren whispered before wrapping his arms around Levi's neck and pressing his lips against Levi's in a passionate kiss. 

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