Chapter 28: "Well done Genius"

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Currently I am being interrogated by everyone, and when I say that I mean all of Jake and his friends, Mia, Aiden and his friends.

"Is he forcing you?" Jake asks me.

"No he isn't" I say in a bored tone since this is about the 100th time he has asked me.

"He's threatening you isn't it?" Mason asks.

"You do realise he's right there right?" I say pointing in the corner where he listening to our conversation.

"Guys relax, he's fine, and he won't do anything" I say trying to reassure everyone.

"You got that right" Mia scoffs, giving him a glare.

"Are you sure, you want to do this?" Jaiden asks.

I nod smiling but that doesn't seem to assure anyone.

"He could be dangerous you know" Aiden says in a low voice.

"Guys relax, if anything happens, it will only be me so don't worry" as I said that I got a slap from Mia.

"You are so stupid" she says, hugging me.

"Have you gone bipolar by any chance?" I ask her patting her on the back.

She hits me at the back and tells me to shut up so I did surprisingly.

After reassuring everyone, we finally got back to the party and then Jazz walked up to us.

"Where were you? Do you even know what the time is?" she asks us rhetorically.

"Nope what is it?" we both ask her.

"5AM" she shouts loud enough that it got people to start staring, I mean the ones that were still up that is.

"Let's go find the others" I sigh, I'm actually so tired.

I go and see the guys flirting with some girls and I roll my eyes walking over to them.

"Oh baby, where were you? I was looking everywhere for you, we have to go now" I say in the most sarcastic tone that I could.

The girl got so annoyed, she left as the other girls followed her, I started laughing.

"She was fucking hot you know" Aiden says getting upset.

"Yeah and so was the water boiling inside my head" I say laughing until I realised what I had just said.

"I think I smell jealousy" He says smirking, getting closer to me.

"Nope that's coming from your side" I say pointing at Zach who's looking at Mia talking to Drake, one of the boys in our year.

"Get a hold of yourself dude" Reece says and Aiden gives him a little push.

"We should get going, it's getting late and we have to get there in time" Zach says giving glances at Mia.

"Yeah your right, I'll go get the others, I'll meet you with the others outside" I say going to find the others.

"Amy can I come with you guys? My friends ditched me" Kyle asks me while I was passing by.

"Yeah sure, I'll let the others know, why don't you come with me?" I say smiling.

"Thanks" he says and follows me.

I text everyone to let them know about our new guest and after a few complains, they gave in. it took time but Mia gave in and we are back to being friends.

Reece was driving this time, since he was the only one that wasn't drunk. Kyle was a bit nervous to get in, in the start but he came in anyway and was about to sit in the back with me until Aiden beat him to it before he could.

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