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love you too, Parker's friend.


how did you know so easily.

one, Parker is too rude to ever say 'Hi'

and two, he would never admit to loving me.

Why can't people be as stupid as me.

I would have just assumed that he was drunk and gone on with my day.

Something about Parker makes me think he wouldn't be the type to drunk text.

Or finally admit his love for me.

you have definitely been talking to him.

those were both very accurate descriptions of him.

Parker's boring as shit when he's drunk.

ooh, gossip, what's he like?

he's just more quiet than usual and falls asleep really easily.

wow, my baby is boring.

AW, you call him baby?


I should have accidentally texted you.

we would have been the best of best friends.

already have one, sorry sweetheart.

tell them that they're being replaced.

She'll bitch slap you so hard you won't feel your face for weeks.

Sorry, hon, it's just not worth the risk.

that's sad.

I want to be your bff.

aren't you Parker's?

yeah, but he'd never admit it.

Not even when he's drunk.

wait, is he drunk right now?



tell him I said hi.

I would but he'd attack me to get his phone back.

kid can punch like a motherfucker.

that's pretty hot.



I'm kidding.

still telling him you said that.

have fun.

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