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do you ever just,,,

hate school?

Every day.


What's up?

This guy keeps talking to me.

Oh no.

A guy interested in you?


this guy can't take a hint.

he thinks he's the shit.

he's shit.

what's so terrible about him?

He's one of those guys...

You know?

They just want to get into your pants.


He'd be dead if he tried that shit with me.

I'm glad I'm a guy.

Should be.

Life sucks as a girl.

you want me to beat him up?



I was kidding, babe.


I'm not going to your school to beat up one guy.

But this guy sucks.

I wish I could tell you to jut ignore him and he'd go away, but I know that doesn't work.

why are guys all assholes?

so then girls can make them not assholes.

that shouldn't be yet another job of ours.

Can't I have guys like you at my school?


what, angry losers?


Guys who understand and care the slightest.

I don't care, but okay.

if you didn't care I would have stopped talking to you by now.

You're a good guy, Parker.

You don't know me.

I do.

You don't.

I know you well enough.

Not well enough to judge whether or not I'm a good guy.


But just to let you know,,,

a bad guy pretending to be a good guy would have just taken the compliment.

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