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"Did you know that everyone is made of stardust?"

Parker laughed at the familar voice "Hello to you too, babe"

"Well, did you?"

"Yeah, I did"

"Aww, I wanted to be the one to tell you, and you could be like 'wow, really? That's so cool!'" The girl giggled, the buzz of alcohol in her system making her act differently.



"Have you been drinking?"


Parker ran a hand down his face, stifling a laugh at the crazy girl.

"What are you listening to?" He asked, still amused at her blatant honesty.


It was silent as he listened to the music in the background of the call, hearing as it ended, before starting at the beginning again "On repeat?" He asked, perplexed by her.

Sloane shrugged, even though he wasn't able to see her "It's my happy song" She admitted, staring at her feet.

"I never really thought of it as a happy song" Parker thought aloud.

"Happy songs aren't always happy" Sloane mumbled, biting her nail as she thought deeply about her words.

"That makes no sense"

"It was my mother's favourite song" She spoke solemnly.


Sloane held back tears for the thousandth time that day"The past is unchangable"

"I know" He agreed, his voice so quiet it barely came out as a whisper.

"What would you change? If you could?" She asked, playing her life through her head and picking the moments out carefully.

Images of Parker's older sister flashed into his mind, but he pushed it away before thinking too much about it.

He shook his head "We're not talking about his when you're drunk"

"Not drunk, just tipsy" Sloane corrected.

"And why's that?"

"It was her birthday yesterday. It's always quieter when we're thinking about her"

'I know exactly what you mean' Parker wanted to say, but held himself back.

As much as he trusted the stranger on the other line, his biggest regret was not paying attention to Sam when he knew he should have.

Sloane sighed deeply, taking another swig from her bottle "You know what they say; when life fives you lemons, you can only hope they're poisoned before you make the lemonade"

Parker pursed his lips "That's pretty cynical"

"What can I say? I'm a petty cynical girl" Sloane said bitter-sweetly.

The line was quiet as the two thought deeply about themselves, what they'd lost.

Sloane stared out her window, up to the stars she had always been told to look at in times of sadness.

Texting Him. | COMPLETED ✔️Where stories live. Discover now