To Forget The Past: VII

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"No, no, no, no" I muttered to myself as I stared blankly at the extremely high roller coasters with a load of people on them, screaming and laughing. Kane looked over at me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"You okay?"

I nodded, taking a deep breathe and put on a smile, hiding the fact that I was absolutely terrified of roller coasters. He only gestured in front of us, saying to come on then.

People walked by talking with each other, smiling, seeming like they were having the time of their lives. I was never really a fan of roller coasters, even when I was a little kid, they always scared me.

Kane grabbed my hand and pulled me along like a child eager to go on the highest, newest ride, which he was. He dragged me through crowds of people, not caring the looks they gave him. Once he stopped I looked up at the ride that sat in front of us. It was extremely high and had pools of water near the end, where a group of people was splashed as the water flew up from the force of the raft. I gulped, wanting nothing more than to go on any other ride.

"I think I'll stay down here, but you can-"

Kane cut me off childishly, "No, but you have to come with me! I've been dying to go on this ride for weeks now." He threw his arms around exaggerating if he didn't go on it he'd die, and that I have to come too.

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Fine, but what am I gonna do with my clothes after? They're going to be soaked."

"That's your problem, not mine" was all he said before lifting his shirt over his head and put it on the table next to the ride, whispering something to the girl standing behind it, I rolled my eyes as I saw her check out his toned chest shamelessly. I walked up, setting down my camera and phone on top of Kane's shirt and told the girl to not break/lose them, but she was too busy looking at Kane to even acknowledge I was there.

Walking away back to the line, Kane quickly fell in step with me. I looked around and saw a couple of younger teenagers, probably fourteen or fifteen practically drooling over Kane. I made a disgusted face. He's three to four years older than them yet they looked like they wanted him to take off another piece of clothing, what is wrong with our generation?

"Hey, you going lady or what?" I shook my head and looked at the guy who was telling people when to go. I scowled at him and walked up to where Kane was already sat down in the two-seat ride, excitement flooded his green eyes. Sitting down, the guy shut the gate and pushed the button. My eyes winded when the cart slammed forward, finally realizing what was happening I tried to calm down my nerves.

It's going to be okay. Everything will be alright.

I looked over to see Kane smiling wildly, eager for the cart to drop down the big hill that was coming up. Currently, we were facing straight up, causing a sickening feeling to arise in the bottom of my stomach. When we reached the top I looked around and took notice that you could see the whole park. The sky was mixed with stunning oranges as the bright yellow sun was setting, starting another night. The lampposts in the amusement park were all lit, making it an outstanding view. I almost wished I had my camera.

The cart suddenly threw itself forward, a loud deadly scream made its way up my throat as the wind blew my hair back like a red cape. I tightly held onto the little bar that was the only thing keeping me from falling out. My eyes gathered tears in them as I soon closed my eyes like this was all a bad dream I wanted to wake up from. Suddenly water was thrown at me as the cart made its way to a stop.

"Everest, you can open your eyes now." I didn't listen to Kane and only tightened my eyes. "The rides over.." I could hear the smile in his voice. Peaking my eyes open I looked around and noticed we were now on solid ground. Pushing the bar up I quickly stumbled out, wanting to never go on that ride again, but clearly, Kane had a different mindset.

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