Part 3

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The bell over the chimed as Harry stepped inside and looked around, he had made sure to come a good fifteen minutes before he expected Ron and Hermione to show. Outside the weather had been clear and slightly warm but the large windows inside showed their distant countryside with an overcast sky and a gentle drizzle of rain. The counter was empty except for Brynhildr who slowly opened her golden eyes to stare at him in annoyance.

"Err..." Harry stepped closer to the counter feeling a right berk as he asked the black cat, "Is Draco here?"

She blinked slowly and sat up with a yawn, turning half around and letting out a single very loud meourw at the aviary door.

"I'll be right there!" came Draco's muffled return.

Harry stared at Brynhildr.

Brynhildr stared at Harry.

He held out his hand and she politely sniffed his fingertips, then sneezed and looked annoyed at him.

"Sorry," Harry said quietly, only wondering why he'd said it after he'd pulled his hand back.

The aviary door opened revealing a harried looking Draco, his hair looked to have been thoroughly owl groomed from both shoulders. Merlin was still perched on top of his head looking pleased with himself.

"Uh...There's-" Harry pointed up at the top of his own head before Draco could close the door.

Draco started to look up, jostling Merlin so that he hooted in annoyance. He closed his eyes slowly like he was doing his utmost not to lose his temper. "Merlin," he ground out with far more patience than Harry would have had, "go inside."

The little owl hooted defiantly, gripping tighter to Draco's hair.

Draco clenched his jaw, "Now."

Merlin huddled slightly and then quickly flew back through. Draco closed the door and sagged against the wood.

"Rough day?" Harry asked rocking back on his heels.

"Mordred is molting and it makes him such an irritable wanker," Draco said rubbing his temple. He started suddenly as he realized who he was talking to, standing up and perfunctorily straightening his waistcoat, a pale blue this time, grey shirt and black trousers, as he walked over to the counter. "Have you decided to get an animal after all?" Draco asked, brushing a few stray strands of hair behind his ear. Harry couldn't help noticing the faint flush on the top of his cheeks.

"Potter?" Draco asked, raising an eyebrow with a faint smirk.

Harry jumped and felt his face get warm, "I- Erm, no it's-" he licked his lips nervously and looked down at his hands gripping the edge of the counter top, "There's a cat I think would be a good fit for Ron and Hermione so they're coming by in a bit." He looked up to see Draco's reaction.

Draco stiffened, "...Is that so."

Harry nodded, "I thought I ought to warn you beforehand."

Draco took a deep slow breath in, "Right," he said to himself. He took his wand out from his sleeve and then pulled the ribbon free from his hair, cream coloured so it nearly blended in. His hair shook loose in waves, ringing around his cheeks, looking soft as anything. Draco aimed his wand at himself and murmured a string of charms that combed his hair smooth, pulled it back and then neatly retied the ribbon. He touched the sides of his hair very carefully, "How does it look?"


"Why am I asking you?" he tsked to himself, "You probably don't even own a comb much less know how to use one."

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