Part 4

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"Harry!!" Ginny shouted, sprinting over to him and throwing her arms around his waist in a hug.

Harry did his best not to groan as Ginny nearly squeezed the life out of him, "Geez Ginny, I swear you're stronger every time I see you."

She let him go with a grin and pushed her sleeve back to flex an impressive bicep, "Chaser drills! I've got to be on top form if I'm going to get onto first string this season!"

"I'm sure you will," Harry said.

She grinned with absolute confidence, "Yeah, I will!" She grabbed his arm and pulled him down the street, "Now come on, we haven't had lunch out in forever."

They bickered good naturally about cafes and settled on one they both liked well enough. Over tea and sandwiches they caught up; Ginny about training with the Harpies and Harry about his foot patrols of Hogsmead.

"Now," Ginny said as they left the cafe, "I've been to see Ron and he won't shut up about Andrew, that new cat of his."

Harry laughed, "He named him Andrew?"

"After the Cannon's star-" she aggressively finger quoted, "-seeker. Not the point! I've been thinking of getting a pet now that I've got my own place."

"I thought you were sharing a place with a bunch of other Harpies?" Harry said, letting himself be led, already filled with prophetic dread at their destination.

Ginny waved her hand flippantly, "Details. The other girls said they would be alright with me getting a pet, no rats or snakes though, and I thought you might have a perfect match for me too."

"I didn't really-"

"Hermione told me everything." Ginny cut him off, "Can't hurt to look. Besides, it's hard to imagine Ferret face being good enough for you."

Harry groaned, "She told you that too?"

"I can keep a secret," Ginny said with a cheeky smile, taking him into an alley to apparate. A few minutes later they were walking into Magical Menagerie, a place Harry had absolutely decided not to come back to just days ago. And Draco was wearing his reading glasses, they had slipped down to the end of his nose, an old leather bound book floated in front of him at eye level.

Ginny nearly ran to the center of the shop and spun around to face him, her arms stretched wide, "Ok! What's the perfect pet for me?"

Over her shoulder Harry saw Draco quickly mark his place and tuck the book out of sight under the counter, his movements stiff.

Harry pushed his glasses up to briefly squeeze the bridge of his nose. He wanted to groan. He wanted to turn around and walk right back out of the door but he supposed that wasn't an option. Not a good option, anyway. If only Draco Malfoy hadn't turned out so bloody gorgeous this wouldn't be so difficult.

"A date at the pet shop, is it?" Draco said with a faint sneer.

Harry's brow furrowed at the sudden hostility and with it came a faint surge of hopefulness.

He shook his head but his no was drowned out by Ginny laughing so hard she had to grab hold of the counter to keep upright.

Draco watched her with an expression that suggested he thought she had lost her mind.

"I'm not dating him," Ginny said in mock horror, jabbing a finger in Harry's direction, "Merlin, do you believe everything they print in the Prophet? The only things that aren't made up garbage are the photos!"

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