Part 5

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Harry put the finishing touches on his report for the day, dropping it in his out-tray and watching it disappear with a faint snap. As he was gathering his auror robes a memo airplane gently drifted into his arm and waited patiently until he plucked it from the air.

Harry's brow furrowed as he read it, muttering to himself, "Visitor?" He crumpled the memo and vanished it, making his way down to the atrium.

Luna was standing next to the desk and waved excitedly when she saw Harry, "Hi!" She was wearing a thestral print dress, the thin dark figures stamped and stretched their wings on a vivid plum background.

"Luna?" Harry quirked a lopsided smile, "What's this all about?"

"Are you busy after work?" she asked.

"This is after work," Harry said.

"I know," Luna said, "So yes or no?"

Harry opened his mouth to say yes and hesitated as suspicion crept through the back of his mind, "What do you need?"

"A friend. An animal friend to be precise," Luna said.

"I thought so," Harry sighed, "Who did you talk to?"

"I was staying over with Ginny." Luna cocked her head slightly to the side, "Why? Is that important?"

Harry said warily, "Depends. What else did she tell you? Any secrets?"

Luna's brow furrowed faintly, "Secrets? No, I don't think so."

Harry rubbed the back of his neck absently and then loosely slung his auror robes over his shoulders, "Alright-"

"Yay!" Luna hopped excitedly.

"-but I'm only going to show you and then leave." Harry finished firmly.

"Ok," Luna nodded.

They flooed to Diagon alley and walked the rest of the way down the narrow winding cobblestone street to Magical Menagerie.

"There's an apparition point right beside the shop, you know?" Harry said, shortening his stride to match Luna's.

Luna smiled and linked her hands behind her back, "Yes, but if we walk together the Prophet will take a picture and then they will run a story about us being madly in love and then I will run a counter story that you were, in fact, telling me all about the Ministry's moon frogs conspiracy."

"I see," Harry quirked a smile, "What is the moon frog conspiracy anyway?"

"Well, the Ministry wants to keep them all to themselves. Moon frogs are very beautiful," Luna said idly.

Harry nodded and hummed in agreement, his mind wandering, though certainly not to a tall blond bloke with piercing grey eyes. "You know, the shop closes in an hour, we could have done this another time."

Luna turned on her heel, walking backward, "We could have but then Draco wouldn't see you in your auror uniform," she reached up to fasten the top clasps and straighten the deep red fabric, "You look very handsome in it."

Harry stopped dead, pulling Luna to a stop with him, "I thought you said Ginny didn't tell you any secrets!"

"Was it a secret?" Luna asked as she finished arranging his robe and stood back, brushing her hands off with satisfaction. "Ginny said you were very cute with Draco. I've always thought the two of you would be a good match."

"He doesn't-" Harry shook his head, looking over at the corner of a nearby building, "He doesn't want anything to do with me, Luna. I tried asking him out to dinner, lunch, coffee and then tea and he turned me down every time."

Magical Menagerie || DrarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora