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Assalm reader's please if you think I'm rushing on things or you don't understand some parts I need to know I'll like to know what you guys think. Please express your mind it really means a lot.

Here's a little dua I use. I hope it helps. I love to pray for my readers and everyone around me also those that follow me even if you don't read my story, it still means a lot and all those of you on wattpad.

Ya Allah  siam (fastingthat is coming up in some weeks Ya Allah accept all of ours.

Ya Allah protects us through our siam and leave us out on evil manners.

Ya Allah protect us all, on this media and the world too.

Ya Allah save us from the wrath of alqiyamah.

Ya Allah  do not leave us in times of need.

Ya Allah replenish our hearts with goodness and sincerity.

Ya Allah as we say this dua let's our minds be free from impurities and say this with one intention.

Ya Allah save us from the doings and deeds of shaytan.

Please everyone that's reads this I want you all to say it. May Allah bless us all. Amin.

Please I repeat again do not pass this. I beg you all read it, its important and its helps.

Dedicated to some of my friend hereDon't get me wrong all of you are my friends and I love you all.

Aisha0078 aidenaura MeenaSami Pretty_cute1125 I love your story pretty_cute1125 by the way.

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