chapter 25.

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Annur's POV.

"Hello my love, I see you've made your move and pissed me off at the same time, but you know what happens when I get pissed off I become mad but don't worry I'm not mad at you I'll just make someone else pay for what you did. Just watch how I make hatina pay for what you did. This is just the beginning annur, watch ad I make everything around you suffer then you'll have no where to go than to come running to me then I'll make you mine only mine."

I'll be dammed if it isn't the she devil.

"Hani don't, please don't do anything, I beg you, please don't touch her." I say begging.

"Wow Annur begging. I can't remember the last time you did that,  I remember I was always the one doing that when we were having fun, but now you, I must say I enjoy it,"

"Hani," I call.

"But, No I have to. You were disobedient and I have to teach you a lesson for you to know who's in charge. Do you think I don't know your every move, I know everything you do and how you do it," And she hangs up with the phone in my ear.

"Hani, hani," I yell at the hung up phone and Milan asks me what happened. " Let's get out of here first, this man needs medical attention now, I'll tell you on our way there."

I explain everything to Milan and he says he'll look into it.

"It's late Mr Abubakar, you should go home, I'll call you once we get anything." Milan says as they work.

"Okay,  we'll call this a night. Goodnight Milan. Call me if anything comes up." I say before leaving.

"Of course."

I can't believe hatina is really missing. Why did Hani do this? What does she mean?

Ya Allah please return my wife safely.

As I drive the only thing on my mind being Hatina. How can I be at rest? How can I even sit knowing that my wife is somewhere I don't even know?

I get home some minutes later with a sad, angry face, to be received by a worried family.

"Alhamdulillah you're okay. What happened, where were you? Where's hatina? Why are you looking like this?" Mom asks series of questions.

"Let him at least rest. I'm sure he had work at the office, that's probably why," Dad interferes. "But where is Hatina?" they all turn behind me looking for her.

"Hatina.. Is" I stammer. How will I say this for God's sake.

"What happened to her? Where is she?" Mom asks.

"Hatina is missing, she has been kidnapped," I say and all their jaw drops.

"Brother what are you saying? stop this joke please," Faiza says.

"Do I look like I'm joking? Will I joke with something like this?" I snap at her. "Hatina is missing and she's was taken by hani!"


Hatina POV.

I wake up, my head banging with pain and my hands sore while I look up to see my environment.

Ya Allah where am I? I see my hands tied up and my body hanging through a rod, with my hands tied upward to the rod.

I look at my environment to see myself in a confined and rough area making me tremember what happened.

Ya Allah where am I? Where did that man take me? Why did he tie me? Oh God, my hands hurt.

Ya Allah what have I done? I've never hurt anyone, maybe I have, but not intentionally. Who would do this and why?

All these coming to my mind as the door opens, but I pretend to still be unconscious.

"Oh God hani, why did you do this? You said you were gonna wait until I bring her in," I hear a familiar voice say, but I can't seem to remember it considering my head is just recovering.

But I remember Its the same voice I heard at haleema's wedding, but who is it? All I know is that its a masculine voice and sounds sincerely familiar.

Ya Allah it's hani who kidnapped me, why will she do this? What did I do to her?

"Don't talk to me like I did something bad, I'm not the only one in this, also you were taking too long." Hani says.

Ohy God, Ya Allah.

"So does that mean you have to tie her up like a soaked up meat to be dried up. What's your problem? You're so obsessed about him that you don't know anything else, you don't care what length you pass just to get him, I didn't sign up for this," I hear the person say.

But who is this person and who is this 'he' they are talking about. I don't understand anything.

My thoughts are running with my eye still closed then I heard a sound echo through the room as though someone has just been slapped.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that, ever again, unless you want to see your mother die just like the rest of your family, so don't you ever talk to me like that, am I clear?" Hani says.

what did I just hear?

My heart beats faster as my breathing heavies but I calm it down. she's so cruel, how can she?  How can a human being not care about others but only herself?

"Fine I won't talk to you like that, but don't you go to my mother, you know she's the only thing I have left after all you killed them all." The person says.

"Oh don't you say that, I saved you and here you are being an ungrateful bastard, I should have let you burn when I had the chance." Hani says.

"Yes you should have. Wasn't it because of your selfish needs that got them killed," The voice says again.

"Oh don't you play smart here, I gave you a mission and you failed what did you expect me to to do?" Hani says.

"Mission? You mean the place you sent me to die. It was because of you my house was burnt down, because of you my family died, if you hadn't shoved me off for your stupid mission to meet those heartless people my family would still be alive, those heartless people would not even know me talk less of burning down where I live to get revenge on killing their leader, while they don't know you are behind all these and I was just your puppet." The voice says and my heart races.

How I wish they can just come a little bit closer so I can hear clearly to pin point the voice.

"I should have left you in that fire to burn," Hani adds.

"You know what you should have done, you should have never sent me on that mission and you should have never known me. I regret ever meeting you," The voice says again.

"Your right, it was my mistake to have ever recruited you, I thought I could help you seeing you jobless and nothing to do. All I did was help an..." Hani says before he cut her off.

"No, you never helped me you ruined my life and now you want to ruin Hatina and Annur's life too. You're nothing but a devil in human skin."

He speaks and with that I couldn't close my eyes again as I have to open it and when I do, my gaze widens as my jaw hangs.

Ya Allah.

Him? How could this be? He has been lying to us all this time.

Its ...

Assalam readers. Hah whoa who do you think it is. Comment and tell me I wanna know. Now don't be a silent reader and let ME know why you think.✌

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