Chapter Twenty

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Sorry for the lateness of the chapter! I haven't been completely silent though. I'm working on something new: a short story! It'll be a total of five chapters, minus the prologue. I've finished four of them, so it's almost done. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

When the sun rose, Shaterria alerted us that the council would be arriving earlier than expected. I said my parting words to my father and Lily, letting him know that I would visit again soon.

I packed my things, joining Sage on his departure. I rode with him as we followed Shaterria back to the castle, all of us riding in silence. The mood was somber as if it too was dreading the return to all that waited for us.

When we arrived, it became clear that the council had made it before us. In the front, tied to a post, were several large horses, all covered in thick, silver armor. They were unswayed by the guards moving around them and the servants scurrying one way or another.

We dismounted, Sage telling a nearby servant special care instructions for Sequeria to whom he murmured goodbye, promising to see her again soon. We then headed inside, Shaterria leading the way.

"We will all be allowed there at the beginning to each tell our version of the story. However, once this is done, Sage and I will be told to leave. They were very reluctant about allowing you to stay, Rowan, but decided it was the best solution for their own well-being." She glanced back at me once, waiting for a nod of confirmation before continuing.

"They will pressure him and try to confuse him. You are there to keep him calm; however, they will be watching you too. They'll be making sure you do not help him in any way," she said and I frowned.

"If I cannot speak to him, how am I of service?" I asked as we paused in front of my room, Sage opening the door.

I stepped in, placing my suitcase on the floor and leaving it unpacked as before. I placed my bag next to it, letting Todd out. He started for the door but I stopped him, deciding to keep him nearby until the culprit was found. He was smart, but not smart enough to outwit a determined killer.

Shaterria was slow to speak, thinking her answer through. "You will be allowed to speak to him, but your answers cannot guide him in any specific direction. You must be careful or you too will be thrown out. This will be difficult. If you cannot do this, either myself or Sage will stay behind instead."

I opened my mouth to answer, but it was Sage who spoke. "She will be fine. If she cannot do it, no one can." His words were clear and firm, not once wavering. He then turned towards me, adding, "I believe in you, Rowan. You have what it takes to make sure all is right with the King."

It was reassuring to hear him say that. His words brought newfound determination to me, although I was still unsure of how it would play out. I did know, however, that I would try my best to help the King.

I nodded to him. "Thank you, Sage," I said, my voice holding sincerity. He mumbled something in return, but it was awkward, showing he was still not used to receiving gratitude.

Shaterria led the way, taking us towards the stairs where the council awaited our arrival. I stood behind Shaterria and Sage, but it did not keep the lead council member's eyes from catching my own.

"Is this who you've brought to tame the King—Rowan?" he asked, scoffing as if he couldn't believe that they would do such a thing.

Shaterria and Sage glanced at me, both looking a bit surprised. I frowned, ignoring their looks. "I am glad to see you are well, Council Member Warren," I replied calmly, refusing to give in to his childish behavior. It would not help me any, but cause harm instead.

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