Chapter Thirty Two

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Two chapters left! MY HEART. This is going to be my sixth finished story on here, I can't. Six drafts written in five years omg. Enjoy the chapter!! At the end I will give details of a possible sequel, a few facts about the story and a very short thing that was cut out of the story! Sorry for the shortness but I hope y'all enjoy. 

Chapter Thirty Two

I was dreaming. I knew this because the forest I was standing in was not the same forest I had fallen asleep in.

The forest in my dreams was abundant with wildlife. I could hear the birds chirping to one another, sending signals back and forth. I could the nearby bushes rustle, hiding something that intended to stay hidden from potential predators. Even further, I knew there were larger animals, deep in slumber until it was time to leave or hunt.

I turned around, already knowing what lay behind me. There, a house stood proudly. It was exquisite, showing off the craftsmanship of a man who was unhindered by physical limitations. Waiting outside the door was a talkative fox, holding his prize in his mouth. He watched the door, tilting his head as it finally began opening.

I laughed softly as he scurried in, a man softened by the years sighing. "What did I tell you about bringing dead things into the house? Neither I or Rowan are interested in your mice, Todd. We'd appreciate if they remained outside." Despite his lecturing, his voice was filled with affection for the little one.

I could hear the door closing shut, but the man's voice still traveling through the wind as he continued "sternly" talking to the fox who I was sure paid him no mind. I started towards the house but my legs would not move.

I frowned, mentally encouraging them but it did not matter. Not only would my legs not move, but neither would my arms. As hard as I tried, I was only given disappointment in return. Soon, the disappointment shifted into discomfort as the nerves in my limbs began to tingle.

The feeling darted all throughout them, teasing me at first. Then, when I did not move, they grew irritated, sparking a fire. It instantly grew large, burning my leg the most. I cried out but was not met with comfort. I was only met with further pain, the skin on my body crawling and turning in on itself.

It was a scream that saved me from my dreams. I could feel myself shifting, growing awareness as my eyes reluctantly opened despite the invisible weights on them. I had been asleep, underneath the fallen tree.

The pain in my arm and leg had transferred to the rest of my body, making me feel as if I was sore. I bit my bottom lip to keep from making a sound as I tried getting up. The pain only grew at my movement, beckoning me to lie on the ground a little longer.

I ignored it, sitting up before I heard the scream once again. I was no longer the one being hunted, it seemed. I grimaced as I stood, my vision already fading. I had to stand still for a moment before I began walking through a field of agony that slowly turned to numbness.

The walk towards the voice was long. I did not realize how far I had walked until I was following my steps back, nearing closer to the castle. The voice was soon accompanied by growls and a woman tsking.

"You are as stubborn as the girl. What a waste of fine resources."

Anise stood by, watching as the dogs circled Sage. His uniform seemed to have deflected most of the damage, although I could see they had realized that his head was not as protected. His hair was painted with dried blood, his face smeared with the parts that had not dried fast enough and slid down. Even his uniform looked damaged.

He was holding them off with his own sword, which was much more lethal than the knife I had lost. It was holding them at bay but I knew the second he made a mistake, it would not matter whether he had a weapon or not. They would go in for the kill and succeed.

"Leave him alone." My voice was soft, however, it was enough. The dog's ears perked at the sound of my voice and Sage's head turned towards me. I thought I would be their newest victim but a sharp whistle sent them off in the direction of Anise, who stood with a smile on her face.

"Ah, nice of you to join us, Rowan. I was getting a bit bored with this one. I see that your injuries have yet to kill you." She was scanning my body as I walked towards Sage, who was quick to pull me behind him, my chest pressed against his back.

"Such a miserable pair the two of you make. In front of me, I have a girl with unique talents and the King's most skilled guard. Yet the two of you cannot manage to fight off a couple of dogs. I will ask you only once more." She paused, her eyes landing on Sage briefly before settling on me. "Where is the child?"

"I have nothing to tell you," Sage said, his voice as unwavering as ever. This situation had not changed him and he stood taller, refusing to submit to Anise.

She laughed, shaking her head before saying, "Your loyalty is pitiful. It is going to be the reason for your death." She then sighed before turning her eyes over to me.

"And you, my dear? Will you join him and the King in death or will you stand up for your life?" I gritted my teeth, staring back at her.

"I would rather die by the teeth of a dog than aid a murderer in her quests," I said, watching as her eyes flashed before her smile turned into a cruel sneer.

Anise opened her mouth, presumably to send her dogs hurling at us, but before she could speak a word, a lengthy howl filled the air.

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