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Ri-Young's POV:

The next day came on. Here I am on my way to school, alone. Yes, I never walk to school with Park Jimin. The reason? You'll know it sooner or later.

As I walk in the gates of school, as usual Taegu would come and greet me. We became friends since the day I saved him from the bullies.

I smiled and greet him back.

"Hi..." We walk to our lockers and took our books for the first period.

Today we have the same schedule. That means, if I have the same class as him, I have the same class as Jimin.

"Lets go...?" He asked.

"Yeah. Sure." I locked my locker and went to class together with TaeGu.

We sat down next to each other. I look at the back and saw Jimin sitting there. Once he saw me, he smirked.

I blush and faced front. The teacher soon went in class and start the lesson. I WAS trying my best to focus on the lesson with the feeling of Jimin's eyes borring into my back.

I shake my head from side to side to relax and roll my shoulders back and front.

"Hey, you okay?" TaeGu ask looking at me.

I smiled. "Yeah, I'm okay,"

He nod and focus on the lesson. Oops, to late.

"Kim Ri-Young, Min TaeGu, DETENTION." She pointed the ruler towards me and TaeGu.

I sigh and nod. TaeGu nudges me but I mouthed, 'Its fine'. He had an uneasy feeling because he knows that I have an appointment later.

I shook my head and start to jot down notes.


At the end of the day, me and TaeGU are on our way to the detention room. We took a turn around the corner and finally, opened the door.

I got in first, followed by TaeGu.

"You're here. Take a seat." she said.

We obeyed and took a seat next to each other.

"Since this is your first time getting detention, I will reduce your punishment. You will only be here for 1 hour." she continued doing her work.

I sigh in relief and start to play with my phone while she's not looking.

"Yah.... Aren't you afraid on getting caught?" TaeGu whispered.

I shook my head and giggled a bit which caught her attention.

I acted normal and just talk to TaeGu.

After she's convinced, she look away and started to type something on her computer, holding a pen on her right hand.

I sigh softly.


An hour passed and we are allowed to go home.

I stood up and dashed outside the class.

"Yah! Ri Young- ah!" TaeGu shouted.

I look back still walking backwards.

"I'll text you!" I shouted and turned around to start running again.

"Have fun on your DATE!" He shouted.

"Eo!" I shouted and smiled a bit.

I'm glad, I had a friend like him.


I arrived at the restaurant, tired from all the running I did earlier.

I look at the time,


I'm 15 minuts early. I shrugged and sat down in one of the tables.

I waited for Jimin to be here. He should be here any moment now.


I heard the bell ring. I look towards the door hoping its him but, its not.

I sigh and lay my head down on the table.

"Where is he.." I muttered.


Still no sign of him.




Urgh, he should be here by now. I decided to go to his house.

I took my purse and made my way out of the restaurant.

I was still on my uniform and I forgot to bring a jacket with me.

As I walk, I try to think what happend to him. Is he okay? Does he remember our date? Why didn't he pick up his phone? Is there something important to do?

Those thoughts ran pass my head.

After a while of walking, I reached his house. I saw him infront of his doorstep talking to someone.

I was about to call him but then I stopped. It was a girl..

They're holding hands. Jimin kissed her lips and caressed her cheeks.

My mouth was slightly opened witnessing the scene happening infront of me.

I put my hands to my mouth so I dont make any noise as tears run down my face.

Is this why he didn't come? Was he cheating on me? But, why would he date me on the first place.

As he was about to turn around, I quickly hide behind a wall, hoping that you didn't see me.

I mantained my breathing slowly making it get better.

After a while, I decided to walk home knowing theres no point of having the date now.


I walked through the cold, empty streets. I thought of you. Again. For the millionth time. Its just, i cant stop thinking about you. You make me crazy .

"C'mon, if you cant take it, take my advise and kill yourself."

A voice, strangely say.

I stopped and look around me to see if anyone is there playing a joke on me but, theres no one.

I sigh and continue on walking.

"I must be crazy." I said and chuckled.

I continue on walking.

Strangely, another voice replied.

"Yes, you are. Or to make it clear...You're depressed."

It said.

I widen my eyes and start to run home afraid of the sound. As I make it home, I look my door and went straightly to my room.

I closed the door and slowly slid down.

"You good now?"

I gasp and look around.

"Stop. Who are you." I stood up.

"Someone. Oh honey, you know you're hurt. You triggered me yourself. You're the one who brought me into your life. Your parents made you do this your sister, and also.. JIMIN"

Without me knowing, I already held a pocket knife and carve a J on my left hand.

I took a deep breath slowly, and it felt good.

"Good isn't it?" it said, I dropped the knife and gasp in horror.

I just cut myself.

"Stop, stop this!" I screamed.

"Oh honey, you're the only one who can stop me. But then again, we share the same feelings. Hurt, Pain, Anger. So, good luck with that."

And then it dissappeared. I breathe in and out heavily.

Oh no.....

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