The Encounter

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Ah-Young's POV:


The fresh breeze of the wind and the calming sound of crashing waves. I've always wanted to see these scenario in real life and now that it's here, I couldn't have asked for more.

I'm sure there are a lot more beautiful places out there but right now, this is my paradise.

Its currently 6 pm which means its Sunset.

Dad said that I get to have a day off since I've been working my ass off for the past few days. It's our 3rd day here in Bali and so far, I'm enjoying it a lot.

Jimin had to come along with Dad as his partner to discuss about the business. They're gonna be back at the hotel by 8 so I have plenty of time to eat then go back to the hotel. Its not that far anyway so I should be good.

I sighed and turned around to get something to eat. I'm not in the mood to eat something heavy right now so I'm actually going to look for snacks.

I saw a convenience store nearby and decided to buy the snacks I wanted to eat.

I finished paying then went out of the store to go back to the hotel. As I stepped out, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I quickly fished out my phone and looked at the message.

'Hey, where are you?' -chim.

I smiled. Is he even aloud to be opening his phone on meetings?

'Hi, I'm at a convenience store near the hotel buying snacks ehee.' I replied.

'Okay, be back by 8 so wait for me 'kay? Love ya.' -chim.

Just as I was about to answer him back, someone crashed into me.

"Oh! I'm so sorry I'm so clumsy," the person apologized.

I smiled, telling her that it's okay.

"Wait.. Ri-Young? Kim Ri-Young?" She asked.

I tilted my head in confusion. Oh gawd, who is she? Is she one of my clients? Will she get offended if I say I don't remember her?

"I'm sorry, have we met anywhere by any chance-"

"Mina. I'm Choi Mina. Do you remember me?" She pointed at her self.

Mina... Choi Mina. I've heard that name before. Who is-

I groaned as I felt my head throb in pain. I closed my eyes, bending over with one hand on my knee and one hand holding my head.

I started seeing flashbacks.

"Mina- she- look I just can't talk right now. I promise I'll call you! I'm sorry Young-ah!!"

"Uhm excuse me. You're blocking my locker.."  A soft voice said.

"I said go. Leave me, go to Mina. I mean, that's what you've been doing right? Leaving me, go to Mina. Its like,  a normal thing you do almost every second of the time."

"Hey babe, are you done? I wanna go home.."

That's it. That's her. I thought to myself.

I panted as I opened my eyes and stood up straight.

"Are you okay?" She asked, concerned written all over her face.

"Choi Mina.." I muttered.

"Yes! Can you remember now?"

I calmed myself down and nodded.

"It's been a while since I last saw you. You suddenly disappeared back in high school. Where were you?" She asked.

I stood there quietly and just stared at her. Well, I did keep it a secret so that the whole school doesn't know about it. I mean its not something that everybody has to know right?

She seemed to have taken notice of my uneasiness and apologized.

"I'm sorry I totally understand if you don't want to talk about it-"

"Look, I'm kinda in a hurry right now I'm sorry," I said.

"O-oh.. okay then, see you-"

She didn't got to finish her sentence as I quickly walked off.


I see we meet again.

Choi Mina.

{A/N}: Hi! How was your day everyone? I hope you're having an amazing day hehe. As promised I'm gonna be updating every Friday so here it is! Thank you guys so much for waiting patiently for my painfully slow updates hehe. DON'T FORGET TO LIKE AND COMMENT DOWN BELOW <3

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