Chapter ~ 16

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"I'm going!" I growled as I opened the passenger door of my dad's car and got out.

He grumbled a response, but I'd already slammed the door shut and began storming into school for the first time in weeks. I was pissed off at my father. He didn't trust me to get to school by myself, so instead, he insisted on dropping me off. – Like the arsehole he was.

I grumbled the whole way into the shit hole I call my school.

"Welcome back man. I thought you'd dropped out or something." I looked up to see Nick by his locker.

I nodded, still steaming with anger. What If something were to happen to Quinn today? I wouldn't be able to get to him, seeing as I had to leave my truck at home.

"Your old man giving you shit?" He asked.

I shot him a look which told it all.

"How long do you reckon you're going to have to live there?"

"A few more months, up until I'm eighteen" I nodded bitterly.

"That sucks man" Nick nodded, and the conversation ended then as we both took our seats for the lesson to begin.

By the time lunchtime came about, I had realized something wasn't right. I was immediately on edge when I looked over to the table Wesley, and the rest of Quinn's pack usually sat at. No one was there. I gulped, immediately dropping my food.

"You alright?" Nick asked, but I didn't respond, I just continued to stare at the empty table.

"Is Marcia here today?" I wondered I would have usually seen her by now.

"Dunno" He shrugged and then went back to eating and flirting with whatever girl was sitting with him.

I gulped and then went to find my phone. – It wasn't there.

"Shit, man have you seen me with my phone today?" I asked slightly frantic as I patted down my jean pockets. Shit, where is it?!

I ran my hands through my hair as he shook his head.

My heart started to race un-rationally. Who knows why I was getting so uptight about not having it on me. I mean it was just a phone. I wasn't some chick who can't go a day without one. But this time something told me that something wasn't right, and without my phone, I couldn't get hold of Quinn's pack, or Marcia.

Immediately my mind was thinking up the worst possible scenario to why all of them had called truant today. What if something had happened to Quinn? I hadn't seen him in two days. Could he have taken a turn for the worst?


By the time the bell rang indicating the end of lunch, I had all but persuaded myself that it was nothing. The pack was probably having a pack meeting. I mean, it wasn't unusual for Klaus to pull us out for a day on pack business.

By the time I was sitting in my next lesson, that mindset had begun to waver. I decided that I needed to see him, just to make sure he was alright.

"Hey, Nick?" I grabbed hold of his attention, not even caring if the teacher heard. Nothing she could do or say would stop me from leaving.

"Yeah?" He raised his eyebrow at me, waiting for me to continue.

"Can I borrow your car?" I asked him, causing him to look at me unsure.

"What?" He asked amused, apparently thinking it was some sort of joke.

"I need to get to the hospital, and I don't have my car," I told him seriously getting impatient as I held my hand out for his keys.

"Why do you need to go there? Can't you at least stick this one day out?" He asked exasperatedly.

"I just need to go, can I borrow your keys or not!" I growled.

"How am I going to get home?" He looked at me expectantly causing me to shrug.

"Get one of the pack to take you home," I told him seriously.

"You're seriously freaking me out," He told me, but fortunately he handed me his keys.


When I got to the hospital, it was just like every other day I'd been here before. The middle of the day had little visitors. My eyes landed on the nurse who was looking after Quinn and hesitated as I watched her go over some papers on her desk.

"Um..." I began standing there awkwardly. She looked up in interest and then smiled when she realized it was me. She was the only nurse that actually paid me any attention.

"What are you waiting here for? Your brother woke up today." She nodded to the corridor where his room was.

I nodded, turned on my heel and then froze.

"W-What?" I stuttered.



I'll be changing the name of this book on the 20th November. It will be called His Uncertain Territory to match the other books in the series - His Unmarked Territory and Undiscovered Territory. 

Hence the cover change, just thought I'd let you know so you didn't wonder what was happening haha. 

Anyway don't forget to vote, comment and fan 

I'll be uploading a new chapter tomorrow. 


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