Chapter - 23

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"Man are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost." Chase laughed looking over his shoulder. I turned to stare at him, my eyes demanding him silently to keep driving and take me home.

"Whoa.." Chase's smile vanished as he glanced between the road and me "You okay?"

I nodded feeling numb, but inside my body was hammering – my heart working overtime, as it thrashed against my ribs and an unexplainable heavy ache settled on my shoulders. It was suddenly like the weight of the world was pressing me down.

"You don't look okay dude..." Wesley looked at me in concern.

"I – I'm okay" I muttered. "Just remembered... something."

They all looked at me in worry and began shooting each other concerned looks.

"We can go home if you want?" Wesley whispered cautiously and went to place his hand on my shoulder, but before I could even think I was twisting away from him on impulse.

He looked at me like I was mad and my breathing hitched.

"Just not feeling too great... I – I think I just need some fresh air, we've traveled all this way, we might as well watch the movie." I muttered, trying to sound as normal as possible but knowing I was failing.

There were some silence and a few more concerned glances thrown my way. I didn't mean to snap at them – it just came out.

"Just park already and let's watch this fucking movie," I growled. With that Chase parked up and I tried my very best not to think of where I was.

However, the further we walked into the center of town the worse it got.

I kept looking over my shoulder to make sure no one was following us, my footsteps would falter every time a van would drive past, and as we got closer to the club I visited on that fateful night, the sight of all the gay males – instead of making me happy and hopeful, made me feel sick. The whole scene made the memories far too real. I... I wanted to go home. I tried to control my body as it started to shake compulsively. It turns out we had to walk past the club to get to the cinema.

"What the fuck is all this?" Chase mentioned as he stared at all the gay men, his eyes – like the rest of the guys - were wide with shock but mainly surprise.

"Some gay club..." Wesley acknowledged, but even he looked at it in shock.

"Wait there's actually clubs for gay people?" Chase spoke again, and if I weren't having a panic attack, I would have rolled my eyes at his comment. "Shit, they'll think that we're gay!" He laughed cracking up as he sent Brody a flirty wink, and as I said – if I weren't freaking out - I would have been in shock at how casual he was about it. I'll look back at this moment in the future and feel happy that they didn't look at the men in disgust. Right now, however, my only thoughts were making sure I get out of this town unharmed this time.

"Hey babe, be my boyfriend and pay for my cinema ticket?" Brody fluttered his eyebrows at Chase, causing Chase to push him away.

"I always knew you'd take the girl role," Chase muttered, but there was a slightly amused look in his eyes as Brody frowned in confusion.

"The one that takes it up the butt." Wesley winked, causing Brody's eyes to widen in utter horror.

The guys laughed, but I just stood there, barely paying attention to them as I stayed close to Wesley and looked over my shoulder for what must be the fiftieth time since we'd stepped out the car.

I jumped into Wesley's side – nearly knocking him over - as from over my shoulder I watched as a group of men walked behind us on their way to the club, but one of them was drunk and knocked into my back. I had to stifle a scream as I pressed myself into Wesley's side and closed my eyes.

"What the fuck man!" Wesley yelled to the guy who knocked me and then pulled me away from him and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Are you alright man? Do you want to go? I'll take you home if you want." Wesley asked looking at me with the utmost concern. I couldn't speak for a while I just stared at him, not knowing what to say – Fuck! Why am I acting like such a fucking pussy?!

"Man seriously, you're scaring me now – you're shaking." He told me, and by now the rest of the guys are looking at me in the same way.

"I... Yeah sorry man, I dunno what came over me," I muttered.

"It's all this gayness. It's getting to you man!" Chase grinned, and I looked at him with a 'are you serious' expression on my face.

"L-Let's just get to the cinema." I sighed, my body was still on full alert, and my chest was still tied in knots.


I made sure I sat in the middle of Wesley and Chase, but as the lights dimmed in the movie theatre, I sank into my seat, my heartbeat beginning to race even faster than before. The darkness made it worse. I found myself looking behind me, staring into the faces of the people in the row behind, as I un-consciously grabbed hold of my hair and pulled nervously. My body was still shaking, and Wesley and Chase continued to send me nervous looks as my eyes ran over the crowd of people, making sure those men weren't there.

The only thing was that I couldn't see most of them. T-They could be them. I just can't see them properly. I started to feel sick like I was physically about to throw up.

"Man, do you wanna go to the restroom?" Wesley whispered making me jump. I looked at him, and then nodded and got up. I have to get out of here! I sighed in relief as I barged through the doors.

I headed to the men's room and luckily there was no one else in there, so I made my way to the end stall and locked myself in. I wrapped my arms around my chest as a way to try and stop my body from shaking. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to go home but I couldn't, I wasn't going out there on my own, but the film's just started. I ran my hands through my hair in frustration. What's wrong with me?

I literally jumped onto the toilet seat as the main door to the restroom opened. My shaking stopped momentarily, and my breathing got caught up in my throat, as I heard footsteps coming towards my cubical. Before I knew it, silent tears were rolling down my cheeks. No, no, no, no. Please don't be them – please! I covered my mouth with my hand to stop myself from making any noise as whoever it was stood in front of my door.

"Come out." He spoke, and I went rigid.

T-That voice.


Duh Duh Duh!

Who do you think it is?

And please remember to vote (Can we reach 30 votes by Christmas???)  

and please comment as I do read each and every one. 

P.s. sorry for the late update, been working and also trying to get organized for Christmas. The wait for the next upload shouldn't be as long. 

Merry Christmas guys!! 


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