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Its been three days since I got out the hospital and its been hectic since my parents flew back to St. Lucia  last night. Moving around the house on crutches with a fractured ankle in not easy.

The microwave beeped signaling my left over is ready  I took it out and it looked .... Yuck

What the over cooked and dried out ramen noodle. The only thing I'm able to prepare on one l-

Ding dong!

I shuffled to the door on one crutch, opening it to see him .
Dear earth.. Please swallow me now.

I forcefully attempt to close the door - my door! And he blocked it with his leg.

The things I'd do if I had two right now

I almost fell trying to hurry away but he catch me like we're ole pals na scratch that.. Like we we're happily married intoxicated by love.

"Put me down dumb ass!" I struggled in his arms " I'm calling the cops"

"I got orders to come here and you can walk on the leg; it won't heal" he blabber

Giving up the fight he brought me to the couch.

"Have you eaten?" He asked

I remained silent. Who does he thinks he is?! Coming boss me around in my own house. Hmph

Walking about he took out he phone pressing on it for a minute then sat across from me staring.

"Haven't your parents told you staring is bad manners?" I asked in a annoyed tone

"They said a lot of things I did was bad- he paused looking down.  "now I know I should have never done those things. Here I am now regretting the names I called you..the way I treated you ..the way I embarrassed you...regretting that I broke the engagement" he said the last part in a whisper I almost did not heard. 

If I tried I couldn't ignore the feeling I felt inside. A feeling I thought I lost long ago. A feeling I'll never speak on. 

The door bell chimed breaking the awkward silence. I attempt to get up but he beated me to it saying its dude its my house you came in uninvited less than a hour ago and saying someone's at the door for him?!

He came back with a large pizza in hand and a large coke. He plate them swiftly putting it in my lap, I looked down at the two slices of pepperoni with extra cheese for while then I took a bite. I don't know how long it has been since I last ate pizza but its been the missing piece in my life mmhhhhmm I moaned out loud getting a hypnotized look from him. I drank my coke and sat back relaxed in weird but comfortable silence. His phone beeped  and he stood up.

"Hey I'm about to you want me to bring you to your room?"

"No I'm fine"

"OK I'll try to stop by tomorrow" he stared for a moment before clearing his throat.."bye"

I shook my head yes watching him walk out.

His body is nice looking from behind.

What the hell am I thinking?!

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