Chapter Five

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Zander didn't come home last night, well at least I didn't hear him come home. When I woke up I was still in Maggie's room. She was tucked against me sleeping peacefully. I sat up when I heard someone tap on the door.

"Who's there?" I whispered trying not to wake Maggie up.

"Clara? What are you doing in Maggie's room? Never mind, Maggie Wake Up NOW!" Alex screamed before I heard him run door stairs.

Maggie shot up rubbing her eyes and yawing before turning to me and smiling. I smiled back at her before helping her get up and dressed for school.

Once she was finally dressed we headed down stairs. Seeing I was still in last night's clothes I decided not to get changed, not like I could anyway I had nothing here that belonged to me. When we walked into the kitchen I saw all three of the boys fighting over who got a piece of toast.

"I'm older."

"Well I'm hotter."

"I deserve it the most."

Maggie turned and looked at me and shook her head slowly. I laughed at her action before placing my fingers to my mouth and whistling to get the boys attention. They all stopped before turning their heads in mine and Maggie's direction.

"What are you guys doing, I mean I know what you're doing but I'm sure there's more than one piece of toast in this house." I said before walking over to the massive pantry and looking in it.

I was wrong there was only one piece of toast in the house. I shook my head at this, I guess this is what happens when you leave a male in charge of the shopping. I looked around before I grabbed out ingredients to make pancakes.

I used to make them all the time with my dad before everything. I got the boys and Maggie to sit down at the table before I started to cook the pancakes. When I had finally finished I served it all up and then joined them at the table for breakfast. After we all had finished they helped me clean up the mess of the kitchen before they all headed off to school, leaving me alone to explore the mansion they call home.

After about half an hour of sitting in the dining table and waiting for Zander I got up and decided to start exploring the house. I first went around the down stairs areas. I came across a play room full of all these toys and right across from the play room was none other than a game wroom with and X-box and PlayStation which was hooked up to a massive TV. I didn't picture Zander as the gamer boy type. I had envisioned him as the always working type. I was probably right, this could have been his brother's stuff.

I left the room and continued walking around the massive house. So far down stairs there was a total of seven rooms. I finally went upstairs to where all the bedrooms are, There was a total of four bedrooms and a study which the twins had turned into their cave. Finally I went upstairs I couldn't help but feel as I shouldn't be up here. The only scent here was Zanders. I wandered around the third floor intrigued on what I would find.

I opened the first door which revelled a beautiful room with a charcoal grey bed that was covered in nice black and white sheets. Without even thinking found myself traveling around the room, to the left of the bed was a beautiful marble bathroom. To the right a massive wardrobe. I knew this was Zanders room and I couldn't help be impressed with his style. I was about the leave when I turned and glanced in the mirror. Almost shocked with my disgusting dirty reflection, I decided I bed a shower. I turned and walked until the bathroom and turned on the shower, before stripping down and getting in. After about and hour of scrubbing and washing my hair I felt clean.

Getting out I grabbed a towel and dried myself off. I went to get dressed when I realised I had no clothes, I would have to ask Zander later. So I walked into the bedroom and onto Zanders wardrobe and grabbed a pair of his socks, a very large put of boxers which made Maia swoon and trailed and a top which were both large in me.

Finally I left the room and decided to explore the rest of the third floor. I felt myself being drawn to a door at the end of the hallway. I twisted the door knob and pushed the door open revelling a beautiful study. I walked in heading towards the book shelf. I absolutely loved reading. My mother used to read to me when I was younger. We would only read the classics though like Oliver twist or Great Expectations I loved that book so much my mother used to call me Pip.

I jumped, startled when I heard a phone ringing. I walked over to the black oak desk slowly. I sat down on the chair that lie in front of it and picked up the phone.

"Zander, It's me Eric"

"I'm sorry but he isn't here right now." I said.

"Oh, well who is this I'm talking to then." Alpha Eric said in a deep tone that would scare anyone but being alpha blood myself I was not intimidated.

"Clara, his mate." I stated.

"I was not aware that my nephew had found his mate yet, congratulations." He said his tone no longer the serious Alpha that had been on the phone earlier.

"Uncle?" I wasn't aware that Zander had ant family other than his siblings.

"Yes, Now you said Zander wasn't there at the moment would you be able to leave a message for me."

"Yes, just let me grab some paper and a pen." I opened the drawer of Zanders desk and grabbed a pen and piece of paper. After half an hour or so of talking with Eric he finally hung up, I looked down at the paper I had written his message on. It had been a while since I had written last but my hand writing still looked pretty good. I just hoped Zander wouldn't judge me.

I removed the piece of paper from the pile and put it to the side. Deciding to clean up the mess I made in Zanders office I placed the pen back in the first drawer and picked up the paper shuffling it into a nice pile.

I opened the third drawer in the desk and was about to put the paper back input when I noticed a yellow folder with the words authorised only. I picked it up curious to know what was in it. I opened the folder and was shocked there on the first page was a photo of my parents. I read the information below. Their death was labelled suspicious.

I flicked to the next page and found a photo of Andrew, immediately images started flicking through my mind of when he killed me parents, him threating me, my mother crying as he slit her throat, my farther growling and howling as he watched his mate die in front of him before himself being killed to. The grin that spread on Andrews face as he watched the blood bleed out of their bodies. I was so caught up inthe images of my past re-visiting me that I hadn't noticed him come in.
So another chapter done, yay. At the top is both Xavier and Maia aka Zander and Clara together in wolf form.
That's it for now,
Rugrat Out ✌️

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