Chapter Twenty-Eight

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This Chapter is dedicated to deleyshawiliams 


Darkness, that's all there was until finally. Light. My eyes shot open looking no checking my surroundings. I was lying on a metal table silver chains holding my hands and legs down. An IV was attached to my arm, what was this person putting in me. To the right was a table full of medical equipment. In was too busy checking my surroundings I did not notice that a war liquid had flowed down my legs. No, no, no, no. My water just broke. I didn't even know where I was and I was tied to a table, these kids did have some bad timing.

"Ahh." A wave of pain went over me, my first contraction. Finally it was over.

"Please hold on, babies. Mumma needs to get us out if here first." I said whispering as I looked down at my swollen stomach.

"Ow, Ow, Owww!" Another contraction. Breath Clara breathe, I chanted to myself until it had finally passed. Why where they so close together.

'Someone's coming' Maia said. She was right, I could hear footsteps approaching fast. Suddenly a body appeared to match the footsteps. Masie.

"Oh hello dear. Now what would you be doing here." She said sweetly. I growled and thrashed around on the table as she moved her hand across my stomach, before another contraction hit me. I felt the tears drizzle down my face. She was going to kill my babies.

'No she won't', Maia said fiercely.

"Don't cry dear it's all going to be okay. In fact I'm going to deliver your children for you now seeing Dr.Reed isn't well going to be available anymore." She said looking to the far right. I followed her eyes and found Dr.Reed lying on the ground his chest not moving. He was dead.

"Don't you dare even think about touching my children, you sick bitch." I spat at her.

"I don't think you understand the situation here dear, I don't deliver you children then you all die. I know you certainly don't want that to happen now do you?" She said as she lifted up the gown that she must have put on me whilst I was out.

"Yay, time to start dearie." She cheered. No, I wasn't ready. "Clara, you need to start pushing, I'm going to count to ten, and each time I do you need to push. Do you understand?" I nodded, I did not want her to touch my children let alone deliver them but I couldn't let them die.

It hurt, damm it hurt. The tears were flowing down my face even more now.

'It's okay Clara, now push.' Maia instructed and I did I waited for Masies count then began pushing. One hour and twenty-eight minutes later I was tired and didn't no how much longer I could last.

"The first one's almost here, all I need is one more push Clara." Masie said looking up at me.

'You can do this, I know you can Clara.' Maia encouraged.

"Ahh." I screamed as I pushed as hard as I could.

Silence then just the tiniest whimpered, followed by crying. But my focus was lost as soon as my contractions started again. Yay time for round two, though I pretty sure that's what got us into this mess.

This little one was not easier than or as eager as their sibling to come out. According to Masie, this little one took two hours and forty minutes.

I could see them, both of the crying and wiggling around in their makeshift crates, Maise had devised.

"Please Masie, let me hold them or please at least let me know what gender they are?" I begged, I just wanted to hold my children. She let out a sharp breath. I could see her thinking the choice through. Before she finally walked over to me and undid my arm restraints, but not before redid my leg ones. She then turned around and reached down and grabbed my pups, before handing them to me.

Boy's they were both boys. They were the same yet so different. The oldest he was slightly bigger than my youngest. In my arms they began to settle no-longer crying like they once were before.  Logan Killian Raen and Dylan Asher Raen that was their names. Logan my oldest named after Zanders father.

"You need to feed them, and I would hurry if I was you don't have much time left before your times up." Masie sneered. Listening to what she said I feed both of the boys, until they were both full burping them.

Masie starting moving closer, she was going to take them. I growled at her. Swiftly she injected something into my neck, as I could not defend myself as both my arms where full.

"Times up." She said before she took them away from me. I thrashed about trying to get them back, tears pouring down my face.

"Please, please... please give me my babies back." I whispered before I was out.

If you've gotten this far and haven't followed me yet, well now's the time. Also five hundred reads, ah yay!!!! This book is nearly finished to and it's been so fun writing it. Remember to Vote and comment.

Love you'll so much,

Rugrat Out


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