❉| chapter nine

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❝tonight, when the battle is over / who will count the casualties? / let mothers weep for their sons / alone / tonight / we learn - heroes are selfish and hungry / they will get their glory / and they will write it in our blood

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❝tonight, when the battle is over / who will count the casualties? / let mothers weep for their sons / alone / tonight / we learn - heroes are selfish and hungry / they will get their glory / and they will write it in our blood.❞


CALEB WAKES WITH MINIMAL complaining, a fair amount of groaning, and a lot of confusion. Apparently he barely remembers getting to Arkadia in the first place. This calls for an explanation from Abby concerning everything that has happened up to this point - or, as much of an explanation as she can give. We still hardly know how he got back.

Because Caleb Jones is Caleb Jones, he can't stand being contained in Medical. This means I have to walk him around. It's mostly for reassurance that he doesn't try to run, actually comes back, and doesn't do anything stupid that will injure him more.

Jackson has claimed he's too busy for the job. What an ass.

Unsurprisingly, the first thing Caleb wants to do is see Raven, even when I try to explain that she's working and I can't really bother her.

"Sinclair has a heart," Caleb attempts to reason with me. His eyes are pleading with me. "He'll understand."

I roll my eyes. "You are insufferable."

He knows that means yes, so he lights up.

It's still weird to be around him again, but the fact that I can use so much sarcasm is a sign that I'm progressively becoming more comfortable. I suppose the natural charisma he's always had is part of the reason I've been able to reconnect with him so easily. It's just an odd thought that my ex-boyfriend had a complete conversion and is now head-over-heels for one of my best friends.

Please. I'm not blind.

I have to lead him to the garage due to the fact that he doesn't fully know his way around the newly-reformed Ark yet. He must still be in a lot of pain, but doesn't show it at all. His face is instead masked with an undertone of excitement that makes me shake my head.

I stop at the door, instead gesturing for him to open it. Caleb doesn't hesitate before firmly putting his hand on the knob and pushing his way into the garage. The usual clamor of work meets my ears as he steps in, me following behind.

"Raven is always fixing that damn Rover," I inform him over the noise. "She should be over there."

I point in the general direction of the three identical cars, two of which are useless and don't work under any circumstances, but Raven keeps them around anyway. He squints.

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