❉| chapter eighteen

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WARNING: abuse, lots of violence, angst in general

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WARNING: abuse, lots of violence, angst in general

❝she was a volcano / she was always there / while people judged her beauty / she was a volcano / she was always patient / but sometime after, she exploded.❞


I AM NUMB. IT'S the only thing I notice as I trudge through the grass after Kane, my feet stomping robotically as my eyes stare blankly in front of me. Everything is hitting me at once— Lincoln's death, our failed rescue mission, our fugitive statuses, the fact we left Raven behind in her time of need, Bellamy missing — but I cannot feel anything. It's like the facts are bouncing off of a bubble surrounding me. It has not popped.

I wish I could feel. Anything would be better than the desensitized sensation that's thrumming through my veins. I don't even recognize anything we're walking through, the scenery instead a mass of blurred, bleary colors in my peripheral vision. The earth appears to be zapped of its color.

The clouds overhead provide a steady drizzle, not enough to soak me to the bone, but enough for me to recognize that it's cold. My hair is damp, sticking to my cheeks uncomfortably. But I don't brush it away.

Someone's arms encircle me as I walk, causing me to snap back into reality. My vision clears once my eyes focus again. When I look to my right, I see Harper is the one embracing me.

I shake her off. "Please, Harper." My breath shakes when I inhale. "Just...don't."

She has to have known this entire time that Bellamy wasn't going to meet us outside, that he never was outside in the first place. She, Octavia, and Miller must have kept in contact separately. And they clearly didn't trust Bellamy enough to let him help. Even when we approached them for assistance, they still decided to take things into their own hands and hide the reality of their plan from Caleb and I.

Because even though Caleb turned away from Pike's faction after the first massacre, I can still sense Miller's wariness. He purposely walks a few steps away from the dark-haired boy and avoids eye contact. The mechanic still hasn't been forgiven.

A selfish thought crosses my mind. How come Bryan gets a full pardon when he only converted a few hours ago? Why does Caleb have to work so much harder to earn their trust? I know that he and Miller have always had a slight rift since he came to Earth, but...

I keep myself focused for the rest of the journey. Our final destination is a cave hidden in a mound of rock, where Kane ties Octavia's horse up while the others walk inside. Harper and Miller enter first. I follow behind, my eyes on the stone ground.

The sound of chains clinking together meets my ears. I slowly raise my head to see Bellamy restrained to the back wall, iron shackles around both of his wrists and thus preventing him from moving more than a foot or so away from their base. His eyes carefully examine the dull expressions on each of our faces. The expression on his face turns more troubled as Caleb and Sinclair enter, then Kane. And, finally, Octavia.

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