Assassins Of Yesterday - 13

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~~ What's her name? ~~

The sun shone on Jacob's face as he swung open the door. He clutched his skateboard and he instantly smiled when Jennifer turned around to face him. "Jennifer." The young girl smiled back, expressing a happiness that felt foreign to her. "Jacob." She motioned for him to follow her to the car and her mother began to drive out. Their talk was simple until they stumbled across the topic about careers they would pursue.

"I'm going to be an assassin." Jacob faced her with a crazy look. "Why? You'd be killing people. Doesn't that scare you?" But Jennifer waved him off. "Don't be ridiculous. Why would the sight of dead bodies and blood frighten me?" He stared at her. "Um, well, blood and dead bodies??"

Jennifer burst out into laughter at Jacob's confused expression until it finally hit her. He didn't know about what Matthew and Jessica did for a living. She faced him, her expression turning serious. "I'm talking about governmental assassins. You know, like spies, but with the ability to get rid of the walking plagues."

Jacob was still concerned about her choice but decided to let the matter drop. He simply nodded and stared out of the window. But his attention soon diverted when a warm palm wrapped around his hand. Jennifer smiled at him with sweetness, something that sent tingles to spread around Jacob's body.

Is this what it feels like to like someone?

* * * * * * * * * *

Matthew groaned in pain as his back collided with the wall and he winced when the woman bent down to punch him. He was left helpless as he only used his arms to protect himself from the woman's hitting. "Get. Off!"

With a powerful shove, he sent the woman to crash onto the coffee table, causing it to collapse under the weight implied. As Matthew moved in front of the staircase, a body was sent tumbling down the staircase and fell onto him. Jessica stood at the top alongside a young man whom's face was swollen and bloody. "Oops."

He didn't bother to respond and instead moved to cuff the woman who had passed out. The young boy seemed to be in a daze and Jessica was not bothered by this. She had only gestured for him to sit on the couch in the living room to which he complied.

Both assassins dragged the adults into the kitchen where they tied them up onto a chair. Jessica then walked towards the counter and laid out every weapon she carried on her persona, which was a lot. Matthew noticed her looking over them and he went to stand behind her, sliding an arm around her waist.

"The black one is your favorite," he whispered, fanning his breath against the conjuncture of her neck which had Jessica close her eyes at how weak it made her feel.

She could feel every little movement Matthew made at how close their proximity was. Heat radiated and it almost made her forget what she was supposed to be doing. Opening her eyes, Jessica snatched up the knife and shoved Matthew aside, taking him by surprise. He only kept quiet when he saw her take a stance. Jessica stood in front of the man, Barnes. "What's her name?"

He shook his head stubbornly and Jessica swiftly slashed the man's chest. A low groan escaped the man but was muffled. "As you wish," she said in a monotone and moved to snatch up another sharp tool. The blade she carried was often used as a wire cutter. She had put it it's purpose. But the lack of patience and the nagging feeling of something happening to her son made her lose all rationality. All thoughts were thrown out the window and her true assassin nature took charge.

In the end of her interrogation, only the young boy remained alive.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Thank you. I had a great time. It's not very often that I get to hang out with others." Jennifer was taken by surprise when Jacob suddenly wrapped his arms around her petite waist and pulled her in for a hug. It was warm and welcoming. Loving.

"Well, now you do." Parting, Jacob didn't miss the blush spreading over Jennifer's cheeks. He watched with a small smile Jennifer climb into the car and he waved at them as they drove out.

When they were out of sight, Jacob walked inside the house and fell onto the couch on his back; little snips of what it would be like to kiss Jennifer blurred his mind and he found himself smiling in delight. "What am I thinking?" He shook his head and headed for the refrigerator to retrieve the phone number. He carefully dialed the number and waited for the line to connect. A deep voice filled the line and Jacob grew nervous when the man's voice boomed through it. His name is the word the man spoke.

"Hamilton speaking, what can I get you, Jacob?" The boy blinked in surprise. "Uh." He was not able to muster a talking voice nor could he think of something to say as he was shocked at how rapid the man had greeted him by his name.

"Jacob, you there?"

"Uh, yeah?"

"Heh, I always wondered about the moment I would speak with Ricardo's nephew. You don't sound like how Jessy described you."


"Your mom. Man, she really does have you living with the bats."


"Nothing. So, what type of pizza do you like?"

"Uh, Hawaiian?" Alan chuckled. "Good choice. I'll bring you a large Hawaiian and a pepperoni pizza. Okay? I will be there in a few minutes."

"Um, okay." On the other end, Alan was slipping into his sweater, using his neck to clutch onto the cellphone. Hanging up, Alan knew that Jacob was probably questioning his comment. "Oh Jessica, what did I tell you not to do?"

* * * * * * * * * *

1014 Words

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