Assassins Of Yesterday - 21

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~~ Nice of you to join us. Agent williams. ~~

The car came to a stop and he saw two cars parked in an empty parking lot behind what seemed an abandoned warehouse surrounded by dense trees. Phoenix tapped Jacob, motioning for him to follow out of the car. As they stepped out, the cold breeze hit him like a rock. Within, the wind carried the sweet scent of pineapple and mangoes; something he most certainly embraced with love.

The opposing car was parked in a horizontal direction. There was minimal movement visible from the inside and then, the back side door opened. The men charged their guns. Jacob could feel his fingers run numb in fear at the situation; his heartbeat accelerating against the confine of his chest cavity. He could already feel the sweat accumulating between his arms and across his forehead, forming a crystal headband along his hairline.

Even the muscles in the back of his neck. Vibrations rippled down his legs, making him shift on his feet in anticipation.

Phoenix watched as one foot stood firmly on the ground, followed by another, and another pair of feet hit the ground as well. The wind around them blew harsher; flower petals drifted alongside the wind; her enormous bump came into view, then her.

The man felt a sense of relief settle within him, knowing she was good. He searched all over her face, attempting to meet her gaze but the woman kept her gaze down, avoiding any type of eye contact. Phoenix only pursed his lips and took two steps up before the young man appeared behind Felicie.

Phoenix ground his teeth in anger at the betraying feeling fulfilling him. He felt that he raised Fagan as his own. He took care of him. And he had betrayed him to stand alongside Jessica, his enemy. Phoenix couldn't help but stare at Fagan with sharp eyes.

"You walk among the dead, Jorim." he spat. Fagan didn't wince nor display any type of emotion at the harshness registering within the man's voice. "I have done so for a long time Jackson," he responded calmly.

Phoenix didn't like the idea of Fagan standing behind his wife. At any given moment Fagan could kill her or strike at her. Nonetheless, he knew there were no sudden movements he could possibly do. At least, not until Jessica stepped out from inside the car.

Matthew enlaced his fingers with Jessica's. Jessica turned her face towards him with watery eyes. "What if he hates me?" Matthew's heart clenched at how distressed she appeared to be. He reached over, wiping a tear.

"Jacob won't hate you. He may be disappointed a bit but he won't hate you. He isn't like that. He's knocked sense into me. I wouldn't be surprised if he took the news fairly well. Everything will be alright." The woman nodded. "You're right." Inhaling, the woman moved to open the door.

Matthew stepped out first. His black shirt did a great job in concealing his vest and expressing the amount of strength he seemed to carry. "Jackson." Matthew greeted in a monotone voice. Jackson smirked, pulling Jacob-who was trembling beside him-closer to him. "Hello, Smith."

Waiting with anticipation, Jacob searched for any movement that would notify him that his mother was about to exit the car. Thought the windows were tinted, he could see the outline of his mother wiping her face. That woman of steel that he had grown to know was always strong and caring was weeping. He exhaled slowly and quietly as she stepped out from the safety of the vehicle.

"Nice of you to join us, Agent Williams."

"Jackson," she said. Then facing her son, she attempted to control her voice pitch. "Jacob."


Jessica covered her worried expression and turned to the man behind her. With a silent nod, Jessica strolled to Jackson's side. Felicie nodded and Jessica pulled her towards Jackson. "You'll be alright," Jessica whispered soothing words as an assurance to the woman.

Jacob glanced at his grandfather who nodded meekly. The boy took a step forward. Mrs. Jackson did the same. Both victims took synced steps until they reached the opposite side. Mrs. Jackson inhaled secretly and cautiously twisted one of the diamonds on her bracelet. Immediately, the computer inside the car pinged. It went unheard by Jackson and his men but not by Fagan, Matthew, and Jessica.

While Phoenix took his wife into the car to keep her safe, Matthew also did the same for Jacob. "Cover your head," he told the boy. Jacob nodded wordlessly and did as told. Matthew shut the door.

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783 Words

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