Chapter 2: Split-Personality?!

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I love you, you love me.

We're a happy family.

With a great big hu-

I hit the alarm clock next to me. And by hit, I mean fist to alarm clock.

I rubbed my eyes and watched in horror as I see that I have broke the three-day-old alarm clock that Leon gave me.

"Oh no." I muttered, "Kylie."

I looked at her bed. She was sleeping peacefully as if life is just a bed of roses.

A smile came to my face as I rubbed my hands together like an evil villain.

I opened my drawer where I kept all my toys.

You must be thinking: What are you, seven?

No, I am only one person and shut up. I know that's not the answer you want.

But the toys I'm referring to are my knives, guns, and well... grenades and lots and lots of more!

I picked out my plastic gun and checked if it is still working.

"Ooh, I, Dayana, am sorry for what I am about to do, best friend." I muttered to her sleeping face.

I took my bottle of blood- stop looking at me like that, it's false blood, 'kay?

I rubbed blood all over my body and even some blood on Kylie's hand. And put some blood on the floor too. 

"Oh, I should put my knife." I said and took out my knife from my pocket.

I put it next to her and laid down on the floor from where the blood trail I made ended.

"Kylie!" I yelled.

She slowly shifted. I half-closed my eyes, pretending to be dead.

"Wh-what the fudge? Why is there blood on my hands? Why is there a knife next to me? Why am I holding a gun?" She asked herself.

"Dayana!" She exclaimed and I felt her shaking me.

I slowly opened my eyes, "K-Kylie."

Wow, I never new I was a great actress.

"What happened?" She asked me, her eyes teary.

"Y-you w-were killing m-me with a knife last night." I fake coughed.

"Wh-what about the gun..?" Kylie asked me, preventing tears.

"I-I don't know." I said with a weary smile.

"Wait a sec." She said and took the gun.

"Aw dang." I giggled.

"Dayana! You know I hate it when you do this kind of things!" She exclaimed.

I giggled, "Whatever."

She sighed. "Are you gonna break in today?"

I stuck out my tongue like a cat.

"Yup, after school." I informed her.

"Hm, how's school, kiddo?" She asked me.

"Shut up! You're only two years older than me." I growled, "Stop calling me kiddo."

She snorted, "You're in what?"

"Senior high school." I replied with a giggle.

"You better not be killing anybody there." She warned me.

"Nope. You know I have split-personality." I told her.

She nodded, "But aren't people with split-personalities not able to control their-"

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