Chapter 8: Uh-oh.

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I started to play with the straw of my ice tea.

"Ana? Are you okay?" Kylie asked me.

I nodded, "Just can't believe Dayana, my other personality, got me in trouble."

Kylie chuckled, "You're just suspended for a week. What could go wrong?"

I rolled my eyes, "She shouldn't do that anymore. She should know it's not just her in this body."

Kylie giggled, "But you can't help but love her. Her craziness, her everything."

I placed my chin on my arm that was plopped down on the table.

"I admit, I do get fascinated at when we suddenly switch and she got me in some situation." I said, sipping my iced tea.

"Like what, exactly?" Kylie asked me.

"Well, one is just this morning where you asked her if she wanted to go to this cafe. We suddenly switched and I was in a twerk position in the bathroom." I said, chuckling at what I said.

Kylie shrugged, "So that's why Dayana suddenly stopped singing PPAP in the bathroom."

I laughed slightly, "Out of all the songs she chose that?"

Kylie laughed, "Weird, I know."

I shrugged and took a bite of the cake.

"Can I ask you something?" Kylie asked me.

"Well, you're already asking so why not? What's your question?" I asked her.

"How does having split-personality work? I mean, like, are you guys—" she was cut off when I put my fork down.

"Usually people get split-personality when they encounter a certain traumatic event. That happened to Dayana and because of that she will have a new personality that is considered a different person— yes, me, Ana— from her original self to forget that traumatic event." I said, "Dunno what traumatic event that is though, like I said, she made this personality to forget that traumatic event."

"What do you think her traumatic event is?" Kylie asked me.

I thought about it for a moment, "She doesn't like her last name spreading about, right? I'm guessing it has something to do with her family."

Kylie furrowed her eyebrows, "Family? I guess. She did mention that her family abandoned her."

My head suddenly throbbed. I started to rub my temples and take deep breaths.

"Are you okay?" Kylie asked in concern.

"Yeah, I just-"

I suddenly felt a shiver in my spine. I opened my eyes and giggled, sticking my tongue out like a cat.

"Hey Kylie-bear, my Kyles, the greatest best friend ever, Kylie, my only best friend. Top of the morning to 'ya!" I said with hysterical laughter following.

"Oh great." Kylie muttered under her breath.

"Last thing I remember I was dancing at the bathroom, why am I here?" I asked Kylie.

"Do the shades of your eyes change when you switch personalities?" She asked back.

I giggled, "Yup. These are my normal eyes, grey. Ana has shades that are darker, making it look like black."

"Oh, now I know whenever you change personalities without opening your mouth." Kylie said, writing on an invisible notepad with an invisible pen.

"Wait, she got cake? Ugh, it's vanilla." I pouted.

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