Chapter Fifteen

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At 10 pm all of the girls were here. Everyone had arrived except for Alexa earlier so we were just waiting for her to get off work. Lydia was incredibly nice and funny and we get along great. Everyone was really nice to me and seem to like me except for Roxie. Apparently, she didn't like me because I was human, which I knew I should have expected because of the pack's view on humans. Every time she made a rude comment I just had to remember that this pack it traditional even though I learned that over the recent year they have slowly started to accept more modern viewpoints. Lydia to help save me from the awkwardness by suggested that we go clubbing because the guys wouldn't let us go if they knew.

Now I know what you're thinking. There adults. They are not going to let us go clubbing.

Except that after Lydia said that they were all rushing to find appropriate clothes to go.

Now it's almost 1 am and thanks to specially made werewolf alcohol Rebecca, Dani, Roxie, Lisa, and Lydia are now extremely drunk. I am quite tippy thanks to regular alcohol. Alexa and Tina had been drinking regular alcohol so they're basically sober because it barely has any effect on them.

Since Rebecca, Tina, Dani, and Lisa are all mated they didn't have to worry about any guys hitting on them. Lydia, Alexa and I, however, had guys hitting on us or coming up to us about every five minutes. Not that any of us minded. I haven't had any fun in a long time thanks to being in the army. I haven't been in a serious relationship probably in five years and I haven't been in a fun one in probably a year because the Army doesn't like when you date people you work with and now it felt like a good time to make up for some lost time.

I was getting another drink when a very attractive guy walked up next to me. He had dark hair and gorgeous hazel eyes. Not as hot as the Alpha King. He has amazing... Okay, stop. Stop it brain. How the hell do I come up with these thoughts? He has a mate out there. So does this guy my subconscious shots out me. Okay, but with the way he's looking at me, he obviously doesn't want one right now. He wants me.

My thoughts were cut off when I realized that he asked me a question. Not knowing what he said I just nodded and then ordered me a drink from the bartender. The bartender shortly returned with two drink. We both drank them fairly quickly.

"Would you like to dance?", he asked.

"Sure.", I tell him as he pulls me towards the dance floor.

When I stand up I almost instantly lose my balance and feel way more drunk than I did be for. I bet he ordered me a werewolf drink. Crap most werewolf drinks have three times the amount of alcohol in them compared to regular human alcohol.

I notice Alexa and Lydia looking at me when I started to dance with him. They've been trying to get me to avoid guys all night and won't give me a reason why so I stopped listening. The guy who I'm dancing with hands start traveling all over my body. His hand run along the trim of my shirt and start to wander up. He then leans down and kisses me. The kiss tastes like his mouth drowned in alcohol and thankfully he leaves my mouth and starts to kiss my neck.

"Do you want to go to my apartment?", the guys whisper into ear as he kisses around it.

Before I could answer I he was violently ripped away. New hands touched my body and I turned to see it was Max and Creepy Kyle.

Max pulled at my waist to turn me around and grabbed my hand making me walk with them.

"So you were going to let him take you to bed but not me? I'm hurt.", Creepy Kyle wines as he walks beside me.

I was going to answer but I trip and mumble, "I think I drank too much."

"Yeah, I think so you can even walk straight and it seems out of character for you to let that guy do that and not stop him. Granted I just met you today but...", Max says has he supports me and keeps me from tripping again.

"Oh hey! Hey! Let's go over there. That bartender likes me and gives me the good stuff for cheap.", I say as I try to pull away from Max.

"I don't think that's a good idea. You're already drunk and I'd rather not get you drunker because Theo would end us."

"Theo's here? But he seems uptight and..." I trail off as I become tired and start to feel sick.

"Oh hey! When did we go outside?", I slurred. That's when I notice they were walking me towards a car.

"Come on, get in.", Max says when I won't get in the car.

"No! My mom told me never to get in the car with a stranger! STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!", I start screaming. Some people then give us odd looks but most of them just ignore me.

"What are you seven? If you don't shut her up Max I'm going to.", Creepy Kyle says.

"Hey look. Alexa in the car already see? She not a stranger so you can get in.", he says trying to calm me down.

"Okay, but I think I'm going to be sick.", I say as another wave of nausea hits me. I'm instantly picked up and see that I'm now in front of a trash can that was a couple feet away from the car. I vomit up a lot of what I drank and my throat now feels like hell decided it want to become a new resident and it came with a ton of fire.

"Okay time to get you in the car.", Max picks me up once again and carries me to the car. He places me gently inside and shuts the door.

"Are we waiting on Theo?", Creepy Kyle asks.

"No. He just mind linked me that he's running home to burn off some steam."

The rest of the car ride is filled with silence. Alexa had not drunk any alcohol was still passed out in the back seat. Most like from trying to babysit all of us who got drunk.

The trip was quick and when I get to the pack house Max carries me all the way up to my room on the six floor. Max then helps me get into bed. The door to my room is then ripped open by an angry looking Theo.

"Well. I'm going to go now.", Max says while practically running out of the room.

It was eerily calm and quiet for about a minute before Theo started yelling.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING? WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?", he says as he starts to pace back and forth.


"I'm not done yet."

"Okay.", I say trying on to laugh. Theo looks really funny when he's angry.

"You don't even...Are you laughing? What part of this is funny?", Theo shouts and stops directly in front of me.

"I'm sorry you just remind me of my parents trying to scold me.", I say sleepily.

"I'm not one of your parents! I'm your freaking mate! Who's been working his ass off to keep you safe and happy! But no tonight you just go out and party like it's nothing. And seeing you with that guy and his hands all over you...", Theo says angrily and then turns around and punches a wall.

Did he just say I'm his mate? No you're drunk you probably made that up and oh shit he just punched a hole in the wall.

Theo turns around and looks up as I move farther away from him. Wow, this spot is super comfortable. Maybe just a quick nap? I then turn my attention back to him and see that he look unhappy. All well. I'm going to go to sleep. He can be unhappy tomorrow morning and I can hear all about it then. He notices and I see from his facial expression he's sorry.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. my wolf is just really angry and that run didn't help a lot...", I didn't hear the rest because I fell asleep.

The Alpha King's Army MedicWhere stories live. Discover now