Chapter Twenty Five

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I have posted the first chapter of Autumn's book call Human Complication. Please go read it!

I woke up from a cold sweat. After about a month without nightmares they have finally returned. Theo has his arm wrapped tightly around my torso pulling me into my chest. It wasn't uncomfortable at all however I need to get out of this hold so I won't wake him up. I knew I won't be able to fall asleep again. I never am able to after a nightmare.

I take his arm and try to pry it off me without him noticing as I try to scoot down under is arm. It take me four attempts before I'm finally free. I quietly make my way to my bed room door and turn the knob. I open the door slowly praying it won't creak. My silent prayers must have worked because it didn't creak at all.

I shut the door and make my way into the kitchen to make some coffee. I look at the stove and see the digital clock on it. 2:53 am. Theo and I fell asleep probably around 11:30 but I wasn't sure because I fell asleep during an episode of Teen Wolf. I got over three hour of sleep which I could probably run the whole day on it I team it up with some coffee.

With the coffee done, I sit at the bar and wonder what I could do until Theo awakens. The coffee smells rich and warm. The scent makes me think of home, my original home. The place my parents and Aubrie had once lived. The memory felt like centuries ago. The burning ache camue back to my heart when I thought about the bittersweet memories of my parents. When Autumn found out she was mated to a wolf they tried to expect it, but unfortunately they couldn't. They disowned her and took me away from Autumn.

But before all that happened, they were the best. We went on trips all the time they could get free. They always tried to set time away everyday to hangout and talk to us even if it was five minutes because they had to work all night. Then the wolves came and tour there life away. The lives they loved. The lives I now knew they loved more than us.

This didn't last long though because Sebastian hunted us down. Well more like hunted me down. He could have cared less about my parents. While we were at Sebastian house they made pulled a lot of stuffI was actually glad when he took me back because my parents had changed, but I overlooked looked it. My parents didn't come back with me, instead the left and went to a town that humans who wanted nothing to do with started.

A noise brings me out of my thoughts when a dog comes into the room. He looked to be a puppy and was a pug. It walk over to where I'm sitting and I put it up.

"You're just the cutest thing!", I whisper to it as I pet it.

"Where did you come from?"

To answer me or yawn and the only thing I can do it let out an aww as the cuteness overwhelms me.

"Wolfe were the hell did you go. I got someone to bring you and this stupid cat to give Autumn some company and so she's stop worrying about you not being fed and as soon as I bring you you just have to run off.", a frustrated Sebastian starts ranting quietly as he gets to this floor. Sebastian walks in and gives me a weird look.

"Why are you up?"

"Couldn't sleep.", I say while petting the pug that had started to doze off on my lap. A knowing look goes through his eyes.

"Oh do you want to talk about it?", he asks while sitting down in the chair next to me.

"No, I'm fine, but thanks anyway."

"Okay, but I think you should talk to someone. If not me than Autumn or Theo. They wouldn't want you to hold it inside."

"Okay, but um why is this dog named Wolfe if he doesn't even look slightly harmless." , I ask to get us off the topic. It was making me uncomfortable.

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