Chapter Seventeen

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Alexa had grabbed me and taking me to her lab. It was fairly clean, but before I could go in she made me put on this outfit to keep me way from the germs and safe from any chemicals that may spill.

"Okay, so you know my dad's infection he had? Well, other werewolves have been getting them and unfortunately, they aren't recovering like my dad did. I know you're a doctor so I got all the medical records of patients who have had it as I could and I'd really like if you could help me come up with they are dying and my dad didn't." She goes to a file cabinet and unlocks it. She pulls out a drawer filled with medical records.

"You don't have them in documents online?" This is going to take forever to go through there has to be at least sixty files.

"Oh yes they are all online, these are just the ones that haven't been transferred yet. Do you have a laptop or IPad that you can view them on?"She asks as she goes over to her laptop and starts it up.

"Yes, I do when Autumn sent my clothes she included those items too." As I grab a file from the drawer and start to read it. Lawson Gage. 134 years old. Mate: Nicki Gage. Cause of Death: Natural Species: Werewolf Occupation in War: Warrior Occupation in Pack: Pack Warrior Pack: Alpha Devon

"Hey! Aubrie! Hello! Pay attention to me! I was talking to you!" Alexa shouts as she waves her hand over the file and tries to grab it.

"How about you leave me alone. I'm trying to read here. Anyway, until I read these I'm not any use to you. You could talk to Gavin." I tell her as I yank the file back into my hands.

"Who's Gavin?"

"My friend. He knows a lot about infectious diseases and would be a great help. Too bad he's not here." I say and try to continue reading Lawson Gage's file only to have it grabbed and quickly put back into the file cabinet.

"Alexa." I say to her in a serious tone.

"I need your attention. I know you love reading why people die, but I came up with a brilliant idea. So you said that Gavin would know a lot about this stuff right?" She says practically bouncing up and down.

"Yes." I tell her nodding.

"Well my brother is your mate and he happens to be the Alpha King, which means he can basically do whatever he wants because everyone is scared of him. So how about you persuade him into bringing Gavin here?"

"Why can't you! He's your brother!"

"You're his mate! Mates have more influence over each other and you have more tricks up your sleeves."

"Fine, I'll ask him but you owe me."

"Oka, go!"


"Go work your magic and get your friend here."

"Okay, okay."

Alexa slammed the door and I heard her lock it. If I were an Alpha King where would I be? Well, I'd probably be in the kitchen because I'm addicted to food, but I doubt that's where Theo will be. Don't high ranking members have like offices? Oh, right I think he mentioned one. I bet it's on our... no his floor, not mine.

The Alpha King's Army MedicWhere stories live. Discover now