Chapter 22 - Vodka & Dildos

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Chapter 22

Vodka & Dildos

•Ethan's POV•

The café was small, with dark wood paneling and large square windows with various advertisement prints and menu specials written with chalk on them. The building was unfortunately squished between a liquor store and a sex store.

"After breakfast, we should get some vodka and some dildos," Jake said, nudging me slightly, followed by a playful wink.

I nudged him back, hard enough to jab him a little. "You're too young – we're both too young."

"I could get my parents to get it for us?"

"Honestly tempting, just to see the look on their faces." Jake chuckled with me. "But not after the condom scare this morning." Jake choked.

The moment the door opened, I was drowned in a wave of fragrances and heat and chatter.

It was bigger than it looked from the outside, with two varying levels – one no more than three steps lower. There were lounges and chairs and tables placed everywhere, and every third one was taken.

"I assume this is the chosen spot for mornings?" I asked Jake rhetorically. Jake smirked in my peripheral.

The mahogany high counter was just ahead, with a few baristas attending to customers, and a waiter or two buzzing around. A door to the right of the counter, I assumed, lead to the kitchen, if the white and black tiles, the shouting, and the clatter of kitchenware was any indication. A doorway to the left of the counter, on the lower level of the café, lead outside.

Jake steered me in that direction. "Amanda says it's one of her favourite spots in this town."

If this was one of Amanda's favourite spots in town, I knew we'd get along just fine.

The doorway opened onto a stone pathway, with little bits of grass growing between the stones. Directly beside the doorway, all kinds of shrubs and flowers lined the brick-walled establishment. Jake and I followed the stone pathway. While the area felt a little boxy and closed-in at first – with brick walls from the sex shop and liquor store on either side – the brick walls ended and the area opened up.

There was a huge – and I mean huge – tree in the centre, with the stone pathway leading to several wooden picnic tables surrounding the mammoth nature.

The entire area had a kind of unchecked wild vibe to it. I loved it.

Jake smiled at my smile when he looked at me taking it all in.

"I think your sister and I are going to get along just fine," I said.

- - - - -

Jake and I were seated side-by-side on one of the empty picnic tables. We'd already ordered a coffee and were just starting our second one when Jake's parents showed up. They'd ordered a full breakfast which made its way to our table minutes later.

"You guys aren't ordering anything?" Jake's mother asked.

"Nah, I'd ordered room service earlier this morning," Jake said.

Jake's mom shrugged and they continued eating.

I was fine with it, too. I'm sure the food would've been great, but it was one less distraction as I sipped on my coffee, marveling in the area. It was so much quieter out here, fewer people.

A few minutes later, heels clocked gently on the stone pathway.

Jake's sister was dressed appropriately, with jeans and a tanned coat thrown over her and tied above the waist. Her blonde hair was maybe one or two shades lighter than Jake's, but just as thick. It hung past her shoulders, in very loose, natural waves.

"Good morning," she said to everyone. She seemed a little flustered and out of breath, but happy nonetheless. We all said "morning" back to her. She was fumbling around in her bag that was hooked between her elbow, not even having looked up yet.

But she looked up when she heard my unfamiliar voice. Her eyes brightened and she smiled immediately. "You weren't kidding when you said he was a hottie," Amanda said to Jake, not taking her eyes off me for a second. Jake smirked; he seemed proud of himself. I blushed.

I extended my hand across the table to where Amanda stood, unsure if I should shake her hand or if we should hug or what.

"Don't be silly," she said, making her way around the table. The latter then. I got up from my seat, and Amanda threw her arms over my shoulders, hugging me tightly. She smelt nice – nicer than Jake. I made a mental note to tease Jake about that later.

"I hope you're decent enough for my little brother," she said, pulling away from the hug and ruffling Jake's hair, much to his annoyance.

"Oh, he's quite the dashing one," Jake's mother piped up. His father agreed with a grunt as he kept eating.

Amanda looked at me, we were both still standing, not even a foot apart. She had the exact same hazel-brown eyes as Jake, but hers were slightly bigger. "I'd give you the usual 'don't break his heart' speech but I think Jake's the heartbreaker here."

I'd be lying if I said that didn't stir worrisome butterflies in my stomach.

"Anyway, it was nice to finally meet you Ethan," she said. "I'll be seeing you all tomorrow at the wedding."

"Oh, honey, don't forget these," Jake's mother said just as Amanda was making her way back on the stone pathway.

"Oh my god, shit, of course." I smiled at her remark. Jake's mom handed over what looked to be a shoebox to her. Amanda pulled out her purse from her bag – what I assume she was fumbling for earlier when she arrived – and pulled out a wad of fifty's.

"Oh, don't be silly, Amanda, it's our favor," Jake's mother said. His father grunted in approval again, still eating.

Amanda hesitated for a moment, but put the money and purse back in her back, accepting the shoebox. Thank god she's not as stubborn as the rest of the Sullivan's, otherwise we'd be here forever.

"Anyway, errands to run, I'll see you later, love you," she called out as she was already on her way down the stone pathway. 

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