Chapter 25 - The Wedding Pt. II

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Chapter 25

The Wedding Pt. II

•Ethan's POV•

After Jake caught up with a few relatives – to which he introduced me as his boyfriend, which received a few odd stares and disapproving looks, but the majority were congratulatory praises – lunch was served on several platters.

The silver platters on the food tables were swapped for fresh ones with more fulfilling food, the drinks were refilled, and there were a few caterers walking around with platters in their hands for people to pick off.

Jake used that as his excuse to leave, and despite his relatives being lovely, I couldn't help but feel, and possibly hear, my stomach rumble at the sight and smell of food.

Jake and I made our way to the food tables under the small pergola.

"Quick," he said, grabbing my hand and pulling me slightly faster than was probably socially accepted at a wedding. "We have to get there before it's swarming with seagulls." I couldn't help but chuckle, letting him pull me along.

The hmmming and ahhhhhing began shortly after we arrived at the tables, he even stroked his chin a little.

It all looked pretty great, I don't know why he can't just grab a plastic plate and take a few of everything. But from the look on his face and the determination in his steps, I realised he had some kind of plan for us.

It was when a caterer walked by with a silver platter stacked high with fresh grilled cheese sandwiches cut in half that Jake's plan became clear.

He stopped the caterer in his tracks. "Do you mind if I have that?" He asked ever so politely. But he also sounded as if he would tackle him to the ground for those grilled cheese sandwiches.

The caterer, a man probably in his mid-twenties, looked as if he just wanted to do his job without any complications, so, with a second of hesitation and a following shrug, he handed over the plate of sandwiches to Jake and strolled off back to the hotel; probably for another platter.

I doubled over, laughing.

"What?" Jake asked, as if nothing out of the normal just happened.

"I don't think you're supposed to do that, Jake," I said, taking deep breaths, trying to recover from laughing so hard.

Jake shrugged. "Oh well, it's my sister's wedding, I think I deserve at least a plate of grilled cheese sandwiches, don't you?"

"Sure," I said, most of the laughing subsided, "but there's no way we're going to eat that whole plate."

"Fine," he said dramatically, with a sigh.

He dumped a few on the small stack of plastic plates, halving the amount that was on the platter.

"Okay, we can go now," he said.

I followed him. People were starting to arrive at the food tables by the time we were leaving, and we definitely received a few odd stares, but Jake proudly shrugged them off.

- - - - -

There were multiple times when I was worried Jake would slip on his ass and the plate of delicious looking sandwiches would go flying.

But we both made it to the bottom of the kind of steep grassy slope without falling, or losing the plate of sandwiches.

"And you doubted me," Jake said, turning his head to me slightly with a grin on his face, basically tsking me.

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