You're F**ked

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Jackson (Teddy Bear)

Cameron's POV

I woke up the next morning and got ready for class. I couldn't stop thinking about Julian's past, it was so sad and different from how I grew up. I grew up in a loving home and Julian didn't. Lucas's parents never laid a hand on me but Julian was beaten almost to death by his father. My parents didn't choose to leave me they were taken where Julian's mother left him to deal with his father alone. I didn't care what her reasons were, you don't leave a twelve year old to an abusive man.

"We will never leave him like that" Max growled.

"Agreed" I replied.

"Dude, why do you looked so pissed?" Lucas asked as I made myself some cereal. "Did your date with your mate not go well?"

"No it went well, I just don't feel well and I have to go to class." I lied.

"Then don't go to class it's easy as that." He said shrugging.

"I can't, I have a project due today." I said then began eating.

"I don't have class till later so I'll take the jeep." He said.

"Cool" I said finishing up my cereal before putting the dishes in the sink. I grabbed my stuff and left the apartment to see Jamie waiting outside my door.

"Jamie, I'm not in the mood right now so go away." I walked down the hall towards the elevator.

"Bad night babe" He said and I snapped pushing him up against the wall.

"Stop it, stop following me around and calling me babe, I am not yours and I never will be so stop bothering me." I said then let him go and continued to the elevator. I stepped in and saw that Jamie was frozen against the wall, not even looking at me. The door closed and I pushed the button for the first floor and sighed. I felt a bit bad about what happened but Jamie wasn't giving up on me so it needed to happen.

I made my way to my car and got into it before driving to the university not even thinking that Jamie's scent was on me. I got to school and found a parking spot before parking and getting out. I made my way inside and to Julian's class. I walked in to see the room empty minus Julian and Dominic talking. I made my way over to where we sit and sat down. Dominic came over to me and gave me his stuff and told me he was going to the bathroom and left the room. I jumped when I finished setting Dominic stuff down and looked up to see Julian in front of me glaring at me.

"You have another males scent on you." He said. I then remembered that I had pushed Jamie up against the wall and gulped.

"You're fucked" Max said.

"I can explain" I said.


"I kinda have a stalker, I jerked him off in the mens bathroom after graduation and.." I stopped at the look on his face.

"Oh please continue I want to hear the end of this story." He said.

"I don't think-"

"Cameron, I'm about this close to bending you over this desk and spanking the shit out of you so tell me the rest of the story." He said. I cleared my throat and continued.

"He got it in his head that we were an item even though I told him that he wasn't my mate and I will only giving my heart to my mate. He wouldn't leave me alone and started calling me babe then he moved into my apartment complex on the same floor as me." I said watching as his facial expression turned angry.

"This morning I wasn't feeling well and was in a bad mood, he was waiting for me outside my apartment door. I told him to leave me alone but he just said bad night babe and I snapped and pushed him up against the wall and told him to stop bothering me and that's it. I left the apartment and came here, if you want I can have Lucas bring me some clothes and I can shower in the locker rooms." He growled and grabbed the back of my head and pulled me to him, kissing me hard before letting me go. I stared at him in wonder as he turned and went into his office and came back out with a sweatshirt and a bottle of his cologne.

"Take your shirt off " he said. I quickly took my shirt off as he sprayed his sweat shirt with his cologne before handing it to me. "I won't punish you but you will stay at my house from now on."

"What about my friends and Alpha Luke?" I asked putting on the sweatshirt.

"I don't give a flying fuck about Alpha Luke after the shit he pulled." He said. The door behind me opened and classmates filled the room. I quickly grabbed his cologne and put it in my bag so people wouldn't wonder why he had cologne in his hand. Dominic came back and gave me a questioning look when he saw I wasn't wearing my original shirt, I shrugged him off before Julian started the lesson. After class I stayed behind to talk to Julian about our conversation from before.

"I can handle Jamie I don't need to-" I said but was push up against the wall by Julian.

"Are you trying to make my wolf angry?" He asked.

"No" I said trying not to get a hard on from his man handling.

"Then-" He said before something hit him on the back.

"Let him go you pervert"

Writing that last part made me laugh so hard. I couldn't picture Julian as a pervert 😂😂😂

The Alpha Mate: Book Two Of The Soul Mark Series Where stories live. Discover now