I Love You To The Moon And Back

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You guys have no idea how much I wanna save Paula. I started think about ideas on how to save her but I was like maybe this needs to happen. God I wish I didn't have to make this choice.

Julian's POV

Over the next few days Cameron and I have spent most of our time with my mom and siblings. We had learned that after they left they joined the same pack Logan joined. We learned that Natalia had a mate and kid back in California, her human mate Sarah and son Mario had stayed behind cause Sarah was pregnant and not fit to travel. They had decided that since they did adoption they wanted to try InVitro Fertilization and now they were expecting twins.

Hayden had yet to find his mate and I could tell that he was getting frustrated about it. I hoped he finds his mate so he would stop with his bitchy attitude. I shifted in my chair by my mother's bed as I thought about what Cameron went through when he lost his parents at a young age. I couldn't imagine the pain he must of been through, it must have felt ten times worse then what I am feeling right now watching the woman who gave birth to me slowly die.

"What is wrong mi hijo?" She asked making me jump. I looked up to see she was sitting up, I helped her before sitting back down in my chair. She had been asleep for awhile so I wasn't to surprised to see she was awake.

"Nothing" I said.

"Don't lie to your mother" she glared at me. I finally let my walls down and let her see I was hurting.

"I can't lose you now that I just got you back." I said as tears ran down my face.

"Oh mi hijo" she said.

"You can't leave me"

"I will always be right here" she put her hand over my heart and smiled. I took her hand off my chest and kissed it.

"Recuerdas lo que solías decirle a Natalia, Hayden y yo cuando éramos niños?" I asked. (do you remember what you used to say to Natalia, Hayden and I when we were kids)

"Te quiero hasta la luna y más allá." She smiled. (I love you to the moon and back)

"Te amo mamá" I said. (I love you mom)

"Te amo mi hijo"(I love you my son) she said. The door opened and in walk Natalia followed by Cameron, who was holding a tray of food. I quickly wiped my face before they could see me crying.

"Hope we aren't interrupting" Cameron said.

"It's alright we were just talking." Mom said.

"I made lunch for you." He said walking over to the bed and putting the bed tray over her lap.

"It looks wonderful my dear thank you."

"You're welcome" he said then looked up and noticed my puff red eyes. I quickly stood up and kissed my mother's forehead before leaving the room. I hated when people see me cry.  I headed downstairs and almost ran to my office. I was about to close the door when Cameron slipped in, I moved to turn around but he stopped me.


"Don't hide yourself from me." He said. I looked at him and his face softened. "It's okay to be sad, I was sad for the longest time after my parents funeral." I just stared at him for a second before leaning forward and kissing him. He smiled against my mouth as he wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Thank you" I said after pulling back from the kiss.

"You're welcome, now a little birdy told me you speak spanish so I was thinking you could bend me over your desk and fuck me while talking dirty in spanish." He said. I growled and did exactly that.

The Alpha Mate: Book Two Of The Soul Mark Series Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora