Chapter 20

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I quickly grab my suit case from under my bed. My CAP( @kiss_kissXx ) fell off of my head in a rush to leave. I throw the box Chris gave me in my bag.

Once I have everything, I run out the door, locking it and hoping back in my brothers car.

"That was fast." He says to me while I put my seat belt on. "Yeah, I wanted to get out of that house as quick as possible."

We drive for about a good twenty minutes. He was asking me questions about college. "Shit. I forgot the mail! Wait, never mind. They also emailed me!" He nods. We pull into the drive way of this black modern house. "This your place?"

He nods again. "What do you do?"

He chuckles. "I work for apple. I basically build the phones and I'm kind of like the ceos second in command." He laughs. "It must pay well."

"Oh it does." As soon as he opens the door. A blonde woman comes out. "I missed you. So how did it go?" She says after she kisses him. "I walk inside coming from behind him. "Is this her?"

"Yeah. This is my sister.."

She squeals and tries to hugs me but I push her hands off me. I may not like her but I didn't push her off for that reason. I hate it when you meet new people and they try to hug you as if they miss you. "Sorry about that. She's not a big people person."

She frowns. "Oh. Uh it's okay."

I close and lock the door behind me. I didn't mean to make her sad, but then again. I didn't care.

"Dinners almost done."

After we ate our burgers, which were really good by the way, she showed me to the room that I will now call mine. It was a nice casual room. A tiny bit smaller then my old one but I don't mind. "Um Royalty..." I turn and stare at her. "I'm really sorry. You know. For the day I cursed you out. I've been really paranoid. Ever since my friends boyfriend started cheating, I was scared Chris would do the same. And when you called I thought that.."

"It's okay. And my brother would never do that. He never turns his back on people he loves." She smiles at me. This time when she tried to hug me I didn't push her away. She pulls away and heads towards her room.

I close my door and stare at my room. A bed with floral sheets stands in the middle of the room. A balcony on the other side across from me. There's a book shelf and a desk. Next to it is a closet.

I lay across the bed and releasing in the soft blanket.

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