Chapter 12

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This chapter contains mildly explicit content - just a forewarning :)


It's been weeks since I've rejected Laura and the burning sensation in my chest still hadn't settled. Every time I caught even a glimpse of her I wanted to bolt over. I just needed to be close to her, just for her to touch me again, even if it meant she would slapped the living daylights out of me.

Antal grunted at my day dreams. We were still distant after I had rejected Laura, and in all honesty, I couldn't blame him. Everyday, I wondered if I had really made the right choice. Was it really that bad that she couldn't shift?

Since my mother had told me of the improvements in my pack, I kept my eyes open and saw she was right. My warriors were tougher and able to endure harsher training. The newest litter of pups were bigger than ever before and none of them were born with any sickness. Hell, there hasn't been a kid with jaundice since Laura's been here.


The name made my wolf and I sigh, both in pleasure and guilt. Her name made me feel a warm sensation and thinking about her put me at ease. However, it also made me feel ashamed of myself. How could I find pleasure in a woman I had rejected so blatantly? I didn't deserve to find comfort in the thought of her, yet I was too selfish to do otherwise.

As I looked up I saw the sun setting. I was currently in my fur form, so my wolf raised his head and howled loudly, signalling for everyone hunting to return home. We had been hunting since dawn to gather enough food for the winter. I lifted the deer I had killed by the throat and dragged it behind me as I headed home.

When we got back to the pack ground, women came over and collected the fresh kill, storing it appropriately. Once I was free of my deer, I headed to my room in the pack house and shifted back. Shrugging on a pair of sweat pants and not bothering with a shirt, I headed down to the kitchen.

Sitting at the counter was Roland, drinking a beer. When he saw me, he smirked. "Your Mate's been busy today. I had to spend most of my afternoon standing outside of a classroom like a creep so she wouldn't see me."

My ears immediately perked up. I had asked Roland to keep an eye out on Laura. Even though I wasn't supposed to want her, I couldn't stop myself from staying away. "What did she do?"

"Sheila asked her to come into school today to teach the kids about the Guardian Bond. Somehow things steered in the direction of the Mate Bond, and let me tell you, those kids won't stop talking about it."

"Let me guess, Mates are the root of all evil and they'll just be huge dicks who reject you." Despite my attempt to be humorous, I flinched at my own words.

Roland shot me a sympathetic look. "Quite the opposite actually. She taught them how neither Mate is superior, how they're equals and how we shouldn't solely be reliant on our significant other. We have to also be able to stand on our own so when our Mate needs us, we can provide them the same support that they give us."

My mouth hung open. "She said that?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Of course, there was that one nosy kid who asked why you didn't accept her."

I tensed. I waited for him to tell me how she responded. She probably let out a full rant.

Roland shook his head, as if he could tell what I was thinking. "Nope, not a hint of bitterness. She spoke about the Goddess giving us our Mates and how we sometimes want something different than what she gives us. I must say, she is quite the speaker." He eyed me carefully before adding, "she spoke like a Luna."

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