Chapter 18

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This is probably the last chapter I will post of this story.



The whole process of getting Mellie to shift back to human took until dawn. Amaranth and I were utterly exhausted, not only from staying awake so long, but from the amount of energy we had to use to help Mellie. Dulling the pain from shifting was far more effortful than I thought, so I ended up exerting more power than I thought.

I only had mere four hours to sleep before I had to get Mira and Connor to school. I decided Mellie should stay home to mourn for Granny Jewels and regain her energy from shifting. The transformation from human to wolf and back again for the first time was exhausting and I knew the little girl would need a few days to recuperate.

After putting a sleeping Mellie to bed in one of the guest rooms near mine, I fell face first into my own. I closed my eyes, hoping to find some sleep before I had to get through another long day.

Unfortunately, my mind was too restless to allow me to shut down. All I could think about was what Kai had said.

"I will do whatever it takes to have you."

His words played over and over again in my head. I was a little upset with Amaranth for being so open with him, telling him how we both felt, but I knew I couldn't hold it against her. She rarely came out and had contact with others, and the chance to speak to our Mate wasn't one she wanted to pass up.

My mind then wandered back to our talk in his office. My thighs still tingled where his knees pressed against them and my fingers ached to touch him again. My face heated up when I remembered how close our faces were, our lip mere centimetres apart.

"Should've kissed him," Amaranth scolded me.

"But that would indicate that I accept him, Ama. I can't reject him and then throw myself at him. That would make this all even more of a headache."

My feelings were a mess. I wanted Kai, I really did, but I couldn't take him until he proved he was harmless. My insecurities didn't dampen my desire for him. The memory of his arousal flooded into my head and I bite back a groan, feeling my thighs clench together.

My own arousal was becoming a frequent issue as well. Seeing him shirtless in the gym yesterday made me yearn to run my tongue along his jaw while touching his stomach. I was lucky the odour of sweat covered my arousal, or Kai would have noticed.

It had also been a close call before in the kitchen. When I caught the smell of his lust, I felt my own reaching the surface and excreting through my pores. I had had to quickly shift, the pain of my bones breaking and reforming instantly killing my desire.

I could feel my restraint slowly slipping, my urges growing. I was craving to be with him, to thread my hands through his thick hair and pull him closer. I wanted him to touch me in untainted areas. The thought of his thick fingers sliding in and out made my whole body feel charged, shocks carrying all the way down to my toes.

I wanted him to do what he wanted to my body, to touch it how he wanted, to mould it to fit his desires. I'd never been the submissive kind. I had always been loyal to Daniel and his pack, but I'd never bowed my head in total submission.

For the first time in my life, I wanted to be taken control of, to be dominated.


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