Chapter 16

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I'd been antsy to get back to the pack house again. I wanted to see her and I knew she'd be there. She was always home at this time, feeding Mira and Connor lunch.

Roland had kept me occupied in the training centre, saying I needed to distract myself for a while. I couldn't blame him for thinking I did: I spent the entire morning and early afternoon sitting in the kitchen, waiting for her to come back from school with her Protected and my brother. I even neglected my Alpha duties to wait for her. If Roland hadn't dragged me out shortly after noon, I would have still been sitting there, staring like a creep at the door, waiting for her to come in.

"Honestly, Kai, you're acting like a pubescent kid who's getting to see a vagina for the first time in person. Just because you're eager to see her, doesn't mean she's going to fling herself at you. You need to approach her carefully, and waiting like a possessive boyfriend for her to come home isn't the way to go," Roland had said.

Right now I was beating him at close combat training. He swung a fist at my face, which I easily deflected with me elbow. I brought up my knee and dug it into the tender skin of his inner thigh, near his groin. Grunting, Roland pulled back and put a few steps between us.

"Don't go for my balls because I spoke the truth before. Have you even thought of a way to gain her trust?"

I shook my head, furious. I was so fixated on the thought of having Laura by my side as my Mate that I hadn't put any thought into how I would even get her there. Hell, I haven't even talked to her since she rejected me. Would she even speak to me now?

We continued sparring for a few minutes until we pulled apart, drenched in sweat. We discarded the boxing gloves. I leaned down to the bench and lifted up my towel, wiping the wetness from my face and chest, before I chugged my water bottle. I heard a few seductive girly giggles, but I chose to ignore them. There was only one woman's giggle that would make me turn my head and she was tucked away safely in the pack house.

I tapped my foot impatiently when Roland sat down on the bench to fix his shoe laces. He chuckled at my childish behaviour. "My Goddess, Kai, you're like Mira when I promise her ice cream. Relax, we'll see your woman in a few minutes, just let me catch my breath."

My woman. I liked the sound of that. What would make it even better was if she saw me as her man. I wondered what it would feel like when she bit my neck to make me hers. No doubt it would be erotic. Thinking of her tongue tracing the curve of my neck before her teeth latched into my skin caused my body to heat up. The sweatpants I was wearing felt constricting around my lower region as my virile member awoke. Goddess, just thinking about her made me hard.

When Roland was finally done, I began walking quickly to the exit of the training centre. It took all my self-control not to sprint to the pack house. I felt like an impulsive child, feeling myself drawn to her without the ability to restrain myself.

I leaped up the porch steps and swung the door open. Taking three long steps, I marched though the entrance hallway and into the kitchen. I quickly scanned around, smiling at Mira and Connor. My eyes shortly settled on another little girl who I figured was one of their friends. Continuing my search, my eyes found my deity's back.

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