Jogging in the Heat

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"I think you're trying to kill us!" A wolf from my old pack, Lena I think, pants out as she manages to keep up pace with me. I remembered her well. She always pushed me into lockers, tripped me at school and even destroyed my art work in class.

My response was just a huff of breath as I ran faster, gearing her groan as she tried to keep up.

"Look Geminie, I'm sorry. I was a bitch and you didn't deserve that." I could hear the strain in her voice as well as the apology and that had me slowing down a bit for her to catch her breath while running. My pack had mind linked me that a few of the wolves had passed out from running so much about seventy five percent of the way through the run so I has slowed down to the slowest I could manage in the run and was quite pleased at how many were still sfanding.

Finally the starting point cane into view and I could hear the yip of relief from Lena as we both looked at each other and with a nod, took off. It was a silent agreement to a race and I couldn't help but relish in the feel of the wind. We both tied in the end I quickly ran behind the trees to where my clothes were left before shifting and coming back out in my work out attire, Lena sprawled out on the grass panting.

"Appology accepted." I say loudly, chucking a bottle of cold water at her that I grabbed from the coolers. I guess the elders wanted us well hydrated and I was thank full for that.

"Really?" She asks amazed at my acceptance.

"Yep. Besides as the future moon goddess I'll have to spend eternity in the starts with all of you one day so might as well forgive and forget for the most part." I laugh out as we both chug the water down.

Wolves came trickling in every few minutes and I felt sorry for the shape of them. The sweat drenched their skins as their chests heaved with the struggle of breathing.

"New rule. You'll all be running ten miles every morning and every night and as you get used to it we will increase them to fifteen miles every morning and ten every night until you can do twenty miles easily." I yell out. I felt bad for how out of shape they all were and smiled when they gave me a chorus of 'thank you alpha.'

After a twenty minute break I asked Ariven to help me in demonstrating the moves we would do for training wich included two roles. One would be the atacker and one the defender.

"Now remember, always use your opponent's momentum against them. It saves your energy and causes more injury. My wolves and I will come around to correct you all so take turns switching on who would defend and who would attack." My vice reaches across the group of wolves before I dismiss them to partner up. It was nice really.

Even though most of these wolves had abused me they still showed me the respect a wolf like me demanded. But I could tell there was a lot that each wolf wanted to say to me. Maybe if they had treated me like this year's ago things would be different but now I'm glad things are the way they are now.

"What's with the smile?" His voice cuts through my thoughts as I feel strong hands massage my shoulders, small tingles erupting against my skin.

"I'm happy. Thank you Riv. If you hadn't had done this I would hate this pack and me and Mika wouldn't have gotten along like we are now. I think he realized that he messed up. Maybe I'll talk to mom about giving him a new mate." I say, leaning into Ariven's strong chest and sighing.

Everything was peaceful right now.

But then I felt it. Mom had assured me that when the mate bond broke I would not go into heat until I found my next mate but I knew the signs.

The needy feeling and the scent around me started first and boy was I hot.

"Gem? What's wrong?" Oh that heavenly voice. I could hear it say my name over and over again.

"R...Riv?" My voice was a breathy moan and I could tell by the sounds of things training had stoped as wolves looked at us. The unmated males were sniffing the air, their eyes glazing over with lust. I was in deep shit.

"Damn...Okay everyone training it over." That voice commands as I'm scooped into strong arms, tingles erupting into smoken hot flames around my skin as I took in the deep exhilarating scent of a stormy night mixed with the earth of he forest.

"Hold on Gem." I didn't realize that we had moved until I found myself laying in bed, a very sweaty Ariven on top of me as his face was buried in the crook of my neck, his canines pressing against the skin.

"Mate!" He growls out with passion after a long pause of silence and I knew instantly that it was true as his lips crash down onto mine and he kisses me in a fit of passion.

Rejecting The Future Moon Goddess[Rejection Series]Where stories live. Discover now