Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

Allie carried the covered platter of food down the third story hall that night at well after midnight. The guests were finally gone, the family seemed to have retired to bed and Allie was done with work for the day.

She peeked inside the bedroom she shared with Amelia and saw her sister sleeping soundly upon the bed with the lamp burning beside her. Allie smiled, took the lamp and closed the door without a sound before going back to the attic stairs.

She climbed them quickly and sat the lamp down as she undid the lock and then stepped inside. She brought the lamp with her and locked the door again.

"Man-who-has-no-name, where are you?" she called out, holding the lamp and peering through the dark attic.

"Allie?" his voice came from the usual back corner and Allie smiled at the sound of it. "You c..came back?"

"Of course I did," Allie replied as she made her way to him and found him standing beside his makeshift bed. "Did you enjoy your time with Amelia today?"

He smiled, his left cheek crinkling and his left eye sparkling with happiness, "Yes."

Allie studied him in the light of the kerosene lamp and wondered why her heart beat a little faster when he motioned for her to come to the make shift bed as he sat down on it. His leg stuck out at an odd angle as he sat upon the sacks and old clothes and studied her right back.

"You l..look tired." he stated.

Allie blushed. She sat her light on the floor and attempted to smooth her hair, "I've been working very hard today," she replied. "Do I look that terrible?"

"Not t..terrible. Just tired," he patted the makeshift bed again, "You c..can sit. Rest."

"If I sit with you will you tell me about what you and Amelia did today? I'd love to hear about your adventures. She is very fond of you."

A blush colored the man's cheeks as he smiled and looked down at his hands, one the large, unblemished hand of a man and the other gnarled, twisted and crooked, "I fond of h.her too."

Allie sat down upon the bed, curling her nose when she smelled the scent of rat droppings. This poor man did not deserve to be living like this and the worst part was that he didn't realize how bad his conditions were. He did not know any better.

"I brought you dinner," Allie uncovered the platter and the man's eyes widened when he saw the chicken, vegetables, beans, potatoes and pie covering the large platter.

"Ma'am brought food," he said, pointing toward the bucket in the corner of his little nook.

Allie knew that bucket was full of chicken innards, bones, uncooked dough and various other scraps that were barely suitable for hogs let alone a human being, "Have you eaten it?" she asked, her voice tight.

"No, not yet. I full f...from the biscuits."

Allie smiled at him, "I don't want you eating what Mrs. Treadwell brings you any longer. I will make sure you get at least two good meals a day okay? Real food that will help you get stronger."

"W..why?" he whispered as he picked at his tattered quilt full of so many holes it was barely holding together.

"Why what?"

"Why you me?"

"Because I like you, man-with-no-name," Allie replied honestly. "And because there have been many times when I couldn't help people. I want to help you. Now take the food."

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