Chapter Twenty-four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

"Michael... I can't believe I'm seeing you alive and well..."

Allie saw Michael shift awkwardly as he stared at the storekeeper of the medicine shop. The store keeper seemed truly awed by the sight of Michael.

"Okay," Michael replied, seeming not to know what else to say.

"I had nothing but suspicions that you might still be alive until the day that this beautiful lady came in and got tea and ointment for her sick friend at the Treadwell's place. It always seemed strange to me that you died so suddenly when you had been in perfect health.... And now I'm rambling!" he pulled off his glasses and began to clean them on his white apron, "My name is Gibson, I don't believe I ever introduced myself the last time you were here," he admitted to Allie. "What can I do for you all?"

Allie stepped forward, "I'd like to get more of that tea and ointment for Michael."

A frown creased Gibson's brow, "Are you out already?"

"No, but we'll be moving on soon and I'll need to make sure we have enough to last for a while."

Gibson nodded, "Leaving while they're gone? Aren't you worried that will cause concern?"

"They told the world he was dead and locked him in an attic for eighteen years, I hardly think they have any concern at all for his wellbeing."

Gibson paled, "God in heaven... truly?"

"Yes, truly," Michael whispered.

Gibson shook his head, "Where will you go?"

"We'll worry about that when we get to that point," Allie assured him quickly. "Do you have more medicine on hand or will some have to be ordered?" She truly hoped she wouldn't have to wait for an order to come in. She wanted to leave no later than tomorrow afternoon. Allie knew that the Treadwell's wouldn't chase after them because they were concerned for Michael, no they would chase them simply to hide their dirty secret. Allie had no doubts that they were the kind of people that would do exactly that.

"I have plenty on hand," Gibson assured her.

"Are you certain this is a good idea, ma'am? I understand that Michael needs help but his family isn't known for taking embarrassment well and you've now brought the son they tried desperately to keep hidden out into the public and folks are smart enough to realize exactly what they've done. While they did nothing criminal in the eyes of the law it is certainly something that will cause them scandal. His mother and father will not be likely to sit idly by and allow this...."

"Family?" Michael's voice was quiet and confused.

Allie winced inwardly, let out a slow breath and turned to face him, "Michael..."

"Those p..people are my family? Ma'am is mother?"

"Michael, those people are monsters and nothing for you to think about...."

"Don't that." Michael grumbled, sounding angry for the first time that Allie could remember. "You didn't tell me and you knew...Everything ma'am said... it was my mother speaking."

Allie felt her heart break at the pain she could hear laced into Michael's words. She stepped to him and put her hands on his cheeks, stroking the scar that marred his face gently with her thumb, "You are not what she has tried to make you believe you are, Michael. You are not what any of them say. You are...."

Allie was shocked into silence when Michael pulled away from her. She saw tears filling his bright blue eyes and he rubbed angrily at them, "I'm g..going out to the c..cart. I want to g..go home."

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