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Thank you so much. for stumbling on this and giving it a chance ....

You may either hate this you may either love this but you will definetly feel connected to this

So hie guys this is my first ever story I tried before to write but I was lame soh I just deleted that and decided to I should not give up and came up with this

As somewhere in the wattpad I read that write the story that you want to read and it's just touched my heart .....
With my first story I wondered why people not feel like commenting it or voting it anything I was really frustrated but that I understand that if some one likes your story and way your story tells they will automatically comment and vote and this time I am not getting discouraged

I know I need to be patient

I know it's a lot of blabbering but yah it was just important to say for me and drumrolls please📯

You all are welcome to the journey of angry young man Arjun and chirpy (she )

Okay I will keep the name as secret 👀👀

Let the curiosity begin ... and I promise no matter would anyone read or comment I will write and if it atleast touches one heart and make them smile my job would be done😂😂😂 mind it a big smile ....


She was drawn to damaged souls like a moth to a flame.....

you never know when love will happen you never know who will be your soul partner ....

and when you decide to give upon life love will be the least thing will bother you anyway

for some love is pleasure for some it's healing its i
desire .falling is love is different thing but rising is totally different ....

Arjun wanted to die after what happen to his father and their business he considered himself responsible for that

he gave upon everything and his desires to live life was no more value to him .....

he decide to jump from the running train ...but was stopped by a girl in the burkah ....

she held his wrist and stopped him....her blue eyes was the only thing that compel him to live his life once again

when he thought he has no reason to live his life ....she came as his hope his only hope her deep black  eyes..... they were like a moon who give his lightning to star show that they can shine equally bright

she said that you can't give upon life so easily and just give it a chance........

and then she moved away ....

where she went who she was ??

was his only question ...

can this be a a love story written by destiny or some short of mere coincidence.........

Till then bye sayonara❤❤

LIKE A MOTH TO A FLAME❤❤❤Where stories live. Discover now