Chapter 8

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Leo found himself dreaming of strangely pleasant things after he fell asleep for the night. The air, so close to the forest, was stifling and although he'd left his window open a little, he still ended up removing his clothes and lying beneath the cover naked.

He found himself dreaming of forests and running as a wolf, of lapping at cool, clean water before the dreams turned darker. The lapping at water turned his mind to Angel, who, without a tongue, was suffering greatly in both human and wolf form. He was locked in a continuous nightmare, about the many million ways that Angel could have been tortured over the years.

His mind stopped at nothing. Physical and psychological torture. He imagined every word they might ever have said to try to break his spirit; that his family didn't want him back, that his true mate had rejected him, that he had united with someone else.

Then his logical mind told him that he had been captured by humans. They might have discovered that shifters existed, but there was no way to find out about their lives and customs, so they could torment Angel about it. But it was a small relief.

He had nightmares about the agony his mate suffered, as his fingernails were ripped from him one by one, time after time. About the way the humans would have held him down and held his mouth open to rip out his tongue.

The nightmares were only broken at daybreak, when two small words broke into Leo's head from nowhere.

My love... Angel's voice floated into his dreams and he relaxed, smiling as pleasant dreams took over the nightmares.

He dreamed of walking on a beach, hand in hand with his mate; of introducing Angel to his pack and his Alpha; of seeing the way Katarina bonded with her cousin through his mental pathway.

Little mate, can you hear me? Angel's voice was like a caress and Leo found himself answering, believing it all just a glorious dream.

Yes. Is this your dream? he asked with a contented sigh. He suddenly found the scene shifting, until they were lying in the cool water of the sea, on the beach, where the water lapped over their bodies. He figured the fact that Angel was lying over him, in the sunlight, meant that he had slipped into his mate's dream.

Not dream. Fantasy, Angel corrected, with a smile that Leo was pretty sure he could see. And it will be reality one day, he promised, in a way that made him laugh. For someone locked up, being tortured and who hadn't been around civilized company in years, he certainly had a vivid imagination.

Leo could detect another thought, lingering just below that one, that he was sure he wasn't meant to see. A thought that said Angel had deliberately sent him his 'fantasy' to divert his sleeping mind from the nightmares. It was humbling. Shouldn't he be the one soothing Angel's nightmare? Or was that just him thinking far too much of himself?

So you think, He tried for levity and made a joke, hoping to drag his mind away from his other thoughts.

You don't approve? Show me one of your fantasies, Angel urged softly.

Leo gave him a gentle nudge inside his mind and found that his mate was actually sleeping, though he professed that he never wanted to.

He was happy about that, so he raced through the many fantasies he'd had of his mate since finding out about his existence and chose one that he thought Angel might like. It had come to him one night, while sleeping as a wolf in the forest near the village, when he hadn't found anywhere suitable for his human to rest his head.

A waterfall! Angel's voice was full of awe, love and joy with that one word.

Leo decided there and then that they were going to that waterfall one day. He let the image play out, showing them enjoying the cool water as humans and playing around as wolves. He could feel the sprinkling of joy from his mate and it made him more than happy to know that one imagined event had done that.

Leo sank into the feeling. He watched the dream fantasy as they became their human selves again and ducked behind the waterfall.

What are we doing back there? Angel asked.

You decide. It is a dream, after all, Leo smiled, watching as the water flowed down the waterfall and paid close attention to how Angel's mind was fast at work.

He felt the dream shift, racing through the waterfall and behind it. He wasn't at all surprised to find that they were up to interesting things behind that waterfall that made him blush.

His attraction to another male was new and solely kept within the boundaries of true mates. He would never be attracted to a male other than Angel. But that didn't stop the images that Angel sent into the dream from getting his imagination going.

You are so innocent, my love. I hope you always stay that way, Angel laughed at him.

Leo cringed when he realized his mate was reading his thoughts, but then he relaxed and accepted that he didn't want them having secrets. He knew that payback was in order, but his tired mind couldn't come up with any ideas at the moment. Instead, he chose another tactic.

What exactly are you doing here, Angel? Are you just snooping at my dreams? he asked teasingly, approving of the brief sensation he felt on his forehead, that could have either been a gentle touch or a kiss. He couldn't tell, but he wanted to know how Angel did it. And why do you never call me Leo? Don't you like my name?

Angel smiled, inside his head, and his heart turned over with joy. It was so good getting to interact with him this way, without having to see how much pain his physical body was in. I like your name, very much. And I will use it, when I can speak again, he promised, but it only made him think about how that would never happen.

Leo sighed and realized there was so much they needed to talk about. But not at that moment. He wouldn't mar the happiness they both shared at this contact with bad things.

I wanted to make sure you were real before I woke up. I'm sure that the clothes and wet hair would have sealed the deal, but I couldn't wait for when I might wake. It is too far away, Angel explained.

Leo knew that it wasn't long after daybreak, but Angel had no concept of time. He went to sleep when he was tired and woke up when he wasn't. Then I'm glad. Because I'm very real, he promised, only to sigh. He knew it wasn't the right time, but he felt a gentle brush of fingertips against his own and knew that he had to ask.

Will you teach me how to do that? he wondered, only to find that his question caused a mass of confusion in his mate. Angel had no idea what he was talking about. Touch you with my mind, he clarified, wanting nothing more than to be able to return the ghostly, affectionate touches that his mate gave him.

Angel was surprised and his voice showed it. You can feel me? he asked, almost in a whisper.

Leo laughed gently, not wanting to insult him. But really, if he hadn't expected him to feel it, then why do it in the first place? I've felt you for a while. A few weeks ago, I was sick and leaning my forehead on the arm of a chair. But I felt something on my skin, like you had brushed back my hair, he explained, not wanting to go into too many details. He didn't want Angel to know why he'd been sick.

There was an intense sense of warmth radiating from Angel, in agreement, admitting that he had done such a thing and that he had only wanted to soothe him.

And I felt you tonight. Was it a touch or a kiss? he wondered, needing to know.

Angel smiled inside his head, happy, tired and loving. Whatever you wish it to be,

Leo felt strangely nervous. How could Angel even be real with the way he thought, talked, acted? He was too perfect. Can I have both? he asked in a whisper.

Yes, my love. And I will teach soon as we are together, Angel promised. But for now, sleep, he urged.

Leo wanted to, but all he could see were Angel's fantasies playing out inside his head. So he let them drag him off to sleep again, enjoying some carefree time with his mate.

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