Chapter 9

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By the time Katarina found Milo in their special place, he was already sitting in the middle of the clearing, legs stretched out in front of him, staring at one spot. He had a look that said he was concentrating hard on something and making plans. She wondered what they might be, but didn't bother delving into his head to find out. They might have been a surprise.

"What are you thinking?" she wondered softly as she made her way over and sat down with him.

Milo smiled and helped her sit down, waiting as she got comfortable before explaining. "I think we should build a cabin here," he smiled at her and looked back out over the clearing.

For a moment, Katarina was horror struck. She couldn't imagine marring this beautifully secluded place with something as vile as a building. Not even for them. Besides, the Alpha house was more than ample for the Alpha and his family to live in. His mother and father didn't get in the way; Grene stayed at his house with Josanna. There was no reason to move.

"But we already have a house," she tried protesting to the impracticality of it all.

Milo just laughed and lay down, urging her to join him.

Katarina sighed and sank onto the lovely tall grass, to lay her head on his chest. She loved him, she really did, but sometimes he was a little crazy.

"Not for us," He watched and waited as that knowledge sank in and explained everything. "The cabin will be for Leo and Angel, when they get back. I think they'll need the solitude for a while," he confessed.

"It's a great place to heal," Katarina agreed, with a happy sigh. She loved this idea. It was brilliant, perfect and sweet, and she loved that her mate, her Alpha, had come up with it.

Since their mating and union, a lot of people in the pack had continued to have reservations about her. Just shortly before she discovered she was pregnant, Milo had insisted she join them on a hunt and not hold back. Since then, any opposition had been grumbling behind their backs. But she could only imagine what Angel might face on returning from the dead.

He was a Dubrinsky. The pack would be falling over their feet, trying to be his best friend, trying to elevate themselves through him. What he really needed was solitude with his mate. He would find that here in their special place.

"That's what I was thinking. That's why I used to come here. It healed my pain, maybe it can help Angel with his?" Milo suggested.

It was their special place. The place where their wolves had mated, where they had made love more than once; the place they had spent many long hours, discussing their son and their future in recent days. But it could be special for Angel and Leo too.

It would be their place of peace and tranquility, where they could heal together and find an inner calmness for Angel. It would keep them away from the pack, but still within pack territory. If anyone complained, they would have the Alpha to complain to.

Katarina wasn't mad at him for suggesting they should hand over their special place to someone else, for it to be special for them too. Because she knew. She had been in Angel's position, even just for a few moments and she knew what he had suffered.

Out here, in the open air and calm serenity of the area, he would be able to live his life however he chose. He could scream, yell and stalk as a wolf whenever he wanted. It would be his. His and Leo's together.

"That's a lovely idea," Katarina approved so much that she lifted herself just a little, to place an approving kiss on her husband and mate's lips. As usual, Milo returned the favor and before she knew it teeth were grazing her lower lip.

The Beta and His Angel (The Belesone Pack #3)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang