Chapter 18

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Leo spent the first day moving out of the tavern and into the little cabin he was renting from Frenkin's cousin. It was more than adequate for his needs as he spent all day supplying it for a long term stay.

Every time he closed his eyes, even during the day, he was whisked off to another dream walk with Angel.

The time passed so differently in reality compared to the dream walks. One minute he would be standing in the cabin, arranging things for Angel's arrival and the next he'd spend what felt like a day with his true mate. But when he came back, nothing had changed. It was as if he'd only been gone for a single moment.

He was more than thankful for that miracle, because with each dream walk Angel was growing stronger, emotionally and physically.

Leo continued to take him outside his cell and into the world around them. They could go anywhere his mind could conjure, even his homeland. He took Angel there, to let him get used to the surroundings, to show him the mental images of people he would meet. The dream walk gave them it all; anything he asked.

Once Angel was stronger, Leo hoped that he could conjure up mental images of his captors or the areas he had once been. To train his mind to grow stronger in the craft Katarina had opened his mind to. But he didn't want to push things too soon.

After two days and six dream walks together, that felt like a week, Leo had a new plan. When he was sure that most of the preparations were made, he went into the single bedroom of the cabin and lay down on the bed. He didn't know or care how long his spirit was in the dream walk, as long as they got some answers this time.

Leo appeared in front of Angel, in his prison cell, to find him on all fours, on the disgusting floor. He was so shocked that he just about shouted at him for wasting what little energy he had in his physical body. But he didn't have to. He soon noticed that his true mate wasn't trying to get up or crawling along the floor.

Angel was doing press ups.

Slowly but surely, his shaking arms brought his nose to the floor and raised him back up again.

Angel. He said his name softly, so as not to frighten him.

Angel looked up and smiled at him, before moving into a seated position. It is working, true mate. I am growing stronger already. It has only been a few weeks. He claimed, excitedly.

Leo had never seen him look so bright and cheerful. It lightened his heart to reveal the truth of the miracle. It's only been two days, Angel. The dream walks last longer than time passes in reality. He explained, watching the light in his eyes increase.

He looked down at his hands and arms in awe, as if unable to believe it. He was a little stunned himself. He wasn't sure how it had happened, but the continuous dream walks together, as man and wolf had really given Angel back the strength that he needed to escape. In a very short time, they might be able to make a real attempt to get him free.

Then I am even more grateful. If I am this strong after two days, what will a whole week do for me? Angel chuckled to himself, unaware how much Leo adored the sound.

He was growing to love his true mate already, without having the time to court each other. He couldn't stop himself from reaching out and brushing a long strand of hair from his mate's sparkling eyes. They were so full of life. The transformation from just two days ago was nearly impossible to believe.

Much, I imagine. I want to try an experiment. Leo confessed, trying to reign his thoughts in.

Angel held his hand to his face, lovingly and listened.

So far we have only gone to places within my knowledge. I want to try to leave this prison and see if we can pass through this building in a dream walk. Are you ready to try? He wondered. He didn't know what else to do, if his plan failed.

You do not believe we can pass through the bars, do you? Angel asked, incredulously.

No. Leo smiled and decided to reveal his plan. I am going to imagine us on the other side of the bars, just as I have taken us to the waterfall before. Then we shall explore this place as mere shadows to your tormentors. He explained his idea and watched the uncertainty on his true mate's face. He could understand that. He had been imprisoned so long, so weakened by his treatment that he was scared to hope. But he could hope enough for both of them.

I trust you, my love. If you are sure we shall pass unseen, then let us try. Angel agreed to do whatever it took. He didn't want to be stuck in his prison any longer. He wanted to be free, to be with Leo. I heard my captors talking a little while ago. I had thought our chance lost, but if it is only the second day of our ventures, then we have time. They said they were leaving the compound for two days. I believe they left this morning. He explained what he had overheard.

Good. Then we won't have to worry about whether we can be seen or not. Leo smiled, feeling more confident already. We're getting out of this cage, Angel, and we're going to find the way out of this place for you. He promised, unable to resist as he leaned in and kissed his true mate.

Angel smiled into the kiss and reciprocated, looking at him so lovingly that Leo flushed in embarrassment. I am with you, little lion. I will do anything to be with you. Angel confessed suddenly, so that he didn't have to feel so embarrassed by their attraction to one another.

You sound more positive today. He noticed.

You came back. You are not a dream. Angel shrugged one shoulder. I can finally believe that I will be free one day, to live my life with you. That is all I have ever wanted. He promised, before instigating another kiss.

Leo fell into the sensation, feeling so connected to Angel that he wasn't sure it was possible for their bond to increase after they had completed their mating and union ceremonies. But he certainly hoped it could.

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