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For all the things my hands have held,

the best by far is you


Daisy looked through the window at the huddled masses. They had been placed on hospital style beds- pushed together so they could be close.

"The bones seemed to realigning okay. Though Victoria..."

Daisy nodded at Dr. Schulman's words. She had assisted him in trying to fix the broken wolves. They had placed shards of bone together, and straighten the leg as best they could. Now it was wrapped. It would be months before it would even begin the first stages of healing.

Victoria's front left leg though had been beyond saving. Having it crushed and then landing on it in her fall- there was no saving it. Dr. Schulman made the ultimate decision and was forced to amputate it.

"Once they are healed they will be removed and placed in the Contritum Pack."

Broken. Daisy thought. Contritum was Latin for broken.

"Um... Daisy...," Dr. Schulman hesitated, casting her weary looks, "I know that was hard to see but...Alpha Jay he...he doesn't enjoy it he...."

"He was laughing."

Dr. Schulman's gulp was audible as Daisy smelled sweat break out on him.

"You are well traveled so you must know that Alpha's have power that is harder to control than-,"

"In all my travels, Doc, I have never seen a sight like that. I have seen a massacre. I have seen wolves at odds. I have seen deaths upon thousands and been a medical assistant within a pack war. It's not the sight of blood or the sight of another creature being broken that has me silent. It's that laughter. I can still hear it. Still hear him laughing as he stood over and broke them. I've never seen that."

She turned to Dr. Schulman and saw that he was pitch white. His breathing was shallow.

"He doesn't enjoy it," he repeated.

Daisy ignored the man and walked out. She cleaned her hands of the faint traces of blood and removed her surgical cap and gown.

She needed to find Jay.

The pack house was empty except for Jackie. She looked up at the sound of Daisy's approach.

"Daisy...." She hesitated before looking up, indicating to Daisy that Jay was in his office.

"He doesn't like others in his office," Jackie whispered as Daisy climbed up the stairs. She rolled her eyes. She didn't like people laughing while they broke their pack.

She silently knocked on the door.

She heard the deep sigh come from Jay and his heavy footsteps as he approached.

His faced revealed itself as he opened the door.

"Come," he said, pulling her down the hall and to his room.

He closed the door behind him as he sat down on the bed. Daisy looked around at the meticulously clean room. The bed was made, the clothes in the closet coordinated by color. There was not a speck of dust anywhere.

"Jay I...," The words caught in her throat as she approached him. Without warning Jay slowly grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. She fit in-between his legs. He rested his head on her stomach. Daisy felt her hands go up automatically as they soothingly smoothed his hair.

And then he started to cry.

Daisy felt her heart break as she saw the first tear fall down his left cheek.

He doesn't enjoy it.

"Jay," She whispered. She bent down on her knees to be eye level with him, "Oh my Jay." His tears continued to silently run down as she pressed her forehead to his.

His eyes opened and she leaned in, capturing his lips.

She felt the hotness creep in on her and his hands gripping her more tightly. They moved closer, Jay's tears soon dissolving. He whispered her name, over and over within her ear as they became caught within the moment.

He was hurt and he needed her. He needed his mate. He needed her love.

She could give it to him.

And so as she laid down on the bed, him whispering her name like a silent praise- they consumed each other, gasping and holding on to the other, letting the flames burn their skin as they met and exploded from outside and within.

* chapter 18.5 can be found in bonus chapter book on world_joy_ bio page - it contains more mature version (stares down the under 18 children who will ignore me and go ahead and read anyway- IM TRUSTING YOU TO BE MATURE ABOUT THIS) 

(please note you do not have to read the bonus chapter in order to get details of the story, so do not feel like you have to be forced to read it - this is just for *cough* well...you know who you are (I'm not going to call you all out like that XD...) 


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You know when I'm not writing a story, I suck at words (wat r wurds?) 

So...I hope you liked it... 

um don't be mad at me that I didn't go into detail about the hot yummy yummy scene - There is another chapter (details above). You can find it in the chapter for Moon Child (found on my bio page) to read the 'hot yummy yummy' scene. 

Until next time, 



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