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the broken hearts break hearts 




Daisy found herself in South America.

It took several weeks, but she eventually reached the tip and entered through Colombia.

There she wandered around until the familiar scene of pack warriors, stepping through the foliage of the forest, met her.

She had traveled deep within the rainforest. Deep enough to believe that she should at some points, turn around. That no one could possibly live this far in.

But her feet continued to move forward.

Until she was stopped.

They spoke their native tongue. Daisy knew some spanish, but their quick words left her confused and staring silently at them.

They eyed her until one man stepped forward.

"Buenos dias," he greeted. Daisy nodded and stepped forward, extending her hand. The man held it before quickly dropping.

She and the man did not drop eye contact, each holding the other's eyes as he cleared his throat.

"Forgive me, my english rusty."

"It's fine," Daisy said.

"Why are...Why have you come? This is azul cielo pack land."

"I'm just a traveling healer."

At her words the man's eyes lit up, "a healer?"
"Yes," She grabbed a bit of her hair and held it out for show, "moon blessed."
The warriors gasped and looked at each other, whispering, "bendiga luna," among themselves.

The main warrior nodded, "We will let you enter."

He motioned for her to follow, "Come."
They walked several minutes down a winding path until they came across a clearing. Small houses sat along each other, nestled within the folds of the forest and surrounding mountains and rivers.

"Alpha this way," the man motioned for Daisy to continue following him.

They finally stopped at the last house along the line. They waited a few moments before an old, tanned and wrinkled, white haired man, stepped out. His back stooped low, as he shuffled forward.

Daisy bowed her neck slightly, a sign of respect and submission. Although another man, this one younger with the same tan skin and slicked back black hair stood next to the gnarled elder, it was clear to Daisy who the Alpha was.

A few words in spanish were spoken before the younger man approached her.

Sticking out her hand once again, and maintaining eye contact, the man greeted her before saying, "You heal?" She nodded. At his words another person came upon them.

A woman.

The man wrapped his arms around her and softly kissed her cheek.

Daisy felt for the first time her emotions crack through.

She had been trying so hard to hold it in. But the sight of the man and woman together had tears threatening to spill from her.

The woman's voice though, brought her back.

"I hear you are a healer?" This accent was different. More americanized, with the english less broken and hesitant.

Daisy nodded, sighing internally of how many more times they would ask her the same questions.

"I...," the woman hesitated, but not out of language barrier. Softly taking Daisy's hand within her own she lead her up the steps to the house, "perhaps somewhere more private."

Daisy waited to be seated, as the woman showed her her chair.

"What name do you go by healer."

"I go by many names. Wanderer. Seeker."

Not that other one. No one but him is allowed that name.

"Wanderer, I have a proposition for you."

Daisy sat forward as she listened.

"My name is Helen. I came here to travel, but instead found my mate," she motioned outside, "This happened three years ago. I soon was with child, but..." she hesitated before continuing, "I miscarried. The doctor said that I could not bear children. Ivan he was..." she hesitated again before taking a deep breath, "However I am with child again. And it is not going well. The doctor says that I have the threat of losing the child at any moment," tears gleamed within her eyes as she looked up to Daisy, "they say you are Moon Blessed. I have heard stories of such thing from my old pack. Please. Please help me."

Daisy softly took the woman's hands in her own. She felt the moon's presence. The blinding light insider her, consuming and running through. This was why she had traveled here. This was why she needed to be here. To help Helen.

She repeated this sentence over and over within her head.

She almost wanted to raise her head to the moon and laugh, a hysterical laugh full of pain and sorrow. As if to say, "look see? I am needed! I don't cause pain and destruction wherever I go. I can help. I can do good. This is my real purpose. This is what I was really destined for."
But all she felt was a hollow hole within her soul, one that not even the greatness of the moon could fill.

A hole that she ignored.

"I will help you."

Daisy loved those words.

Maybe if she said them enough, they would make up for the pain she had caused. Maybe if she said them enough they would ease the suffering she had forced herself and...him....to undergo.

Maybe if she said them enough....

She couldn't finish her thought though, as Helen threw her arms around Daisy, sobs echoing around the house. 

***this takes place just after her departure (jumping back in time) 

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***this takes place just after her departure (jumping back in time) 

Also I tried to do as much research as I could about South America and customs within it to try to be accurate, but if anything is off (and you are from SA) please don't hesitate to correct me. I do not want to offend anyone's customs or way of living within the story (that is not my intention - so I apologize for my ignorance towards certain aspects- I tried my best to research greetings/interactions).

Thank you for reading and all the love/support  :) 

Until next time, 



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