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Ask her what she craved 

and she'd get a little frantic about things, 

like books, the woods,


Plants and the seasons. 

Also Freedom. 

~Charles Frazier 


"Grace you have to stop."

Jay found himself uncomfortably between Stephen and Daisy as John held his mates hand.

When he meant confront the moment, he didn't mean as soon as they got back to the clinic.

Daisy seemed to have known something was going on, and followed the men into the room.

John had cooed and awed over his new daughters, not once making a face at the fact that he didn't have a male or at their chosen names.

After giving them their needed attention though, he placed them back within the bed next to Grace before sitting down and explaining the situation to her. Now Grace sat, uncomfortable and sometimes glancing at Jay before looking back at John.

"I know," Grace said. Jay couldn't help but feel some small pressure that they were doing this so soon to Grace after she had just given birth and actually died.

Daisy gripped Jay's hand tightly while John and Grace slowly came together, trying to be the mates they were supposed to be.

"We have pups we have to take care of now Grace. I want to take care of them with you. I want to be there with you and the girls. But I can't do that if I think you are thinking of him and not me. If you are relying on someone else," John's voice sounded strained as he spoke.

Grace softly placed a hand over her mates face, tears filling her eyes.

"I'm sorry John I'm so sorry."
John hung his head in shame as he spoke, "I'm sorry I lashed out at you. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you while you were pregnant. I'm sorry I ran away. I'm sorry I was weak."

Grace and he tentatively looked at each other.

Grace glanced up at Jay and Daisy, weary of their reactions, "Jay I....I know you didn't know. And I'm sorry that I unknowingly put you through this. I just...We've been there for each other for so long..." She gulped back whatever else she was going to say, waiting for Jay's response.

"Grace," Jay said, smiling down at his life time friend, "we're still friends. I'm still here for you. But let John be the one you go to first."
Daisy clutched his hand harder, as Jay leaned into her, trying to reassure her.

Grace let out a sigh of relief before turning back to her mate.

They walked out of the room as John and Grace each held one of the twins in their arms, adoring their new additions to the family.

The uneasiness in Daisy and Jay eased away from their features as they walked away, creating distance. 

"Do you think we might have children one day?" Jay wondered out loud to Daisy.

Daisy thought and smiled to Jay.

"Would you be a good father?"

Jay looked down at her and nodded, "I would try my best."

Daisy looked at him, her expression suddenly turning serious.

"I know you would be a good father," she whispered before reaching up and placing a soft kiss on his lips.

They were alone in the hallway, yet they still spoke in a whispered silence.

"What would you want? Boy or girl?" Daisy asked as they walked, holding hands, out the clinic doors.

Jay thought before shrugging, "It wouldn't matter to me."

"But you would need a boy to be the next Alpha," she pointed out.

Jay shook his head and smiled, "Boy or girl, whatever the gender of my child, they have every right to become Alpha."
Daisy looked at Jay, thinking.

"I would want a boy," she said, breaking apart and skipping ahead of him.

She twirled around to face him, a huge smile breaking loose on her face, "You want to know what I would name him?"
Jay laughed as she twirled around in the sun, the light making him breathless from the halo effect it created on her pure white hair. "What?"

Jay laughed at the name but stopped when he saw Daisy's serious face.

"I heard it in one of my travels. An old story of one of the planet's moon being called Atlas."

"Which planet?" Jay questioned.

"Saturn, I think. Though I can't remember the story quite right, I think it was about a man who was trapped upon a moon. He asked the moon to take him back home and so the moon took him home. However on their journey there, the man and moon grew to be great friends. The man told the moon he didn't want to go back. Instead he wanted to stay with the moon. That the moon was his savior and had helped him. That the moon was now the man's home and what he wanted."

"What was the man's name?"

Daisy thought but shrugged, "I don't think he had one. The point was just an old tale saying sometimes you don't know what you want until it's about to leave you."

Jay looked at Daisy as she climbed into the truck to go back to the pack house.

Sometimes you don't know what you want, until it's about to leave you.

Sometimes you don't know what you want, until it's about to leave you

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Don't say I don't spoil you guys!!! (two updates that are so close?!)

(this is real life, we settled the issue about Jay and Grace like adults (she writes as she posts a chapter to her werewolf story))

MWhahahahaha I'm loving the suspension. 


Until next time!


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