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MY heart has never beaten so hard and quick. This uncomfortable rush of nerves and worry was putting so much stress on my body. My stress level has never been so high, and it feels to be bouncing off the walls.

The cold night is biting at my feet. The escape from the chilly winds is impossible, and the freezing temperature of the cloud-colored snow felt to be shooting from toe to the tip of my brain. My breathing is still hitched and heavy, and I could tell by my sprinting I wasn't stopping soon. My legs were carrying me further into the woods too quickly to be stopping now.

What was peaceful yet so unsettling were the trees. They were a cold dark brown, and the lengthy trees crowded the woods. I felt so isolated, so alone. I hated this feeling.

Despite my thoughts, I had to keep going.
For Hannah and Beth. I have to find them.

I glanced behind me to see the footprints of my soaked, damp converse. The white sweatpants blended in with the ecosystem in its current state, and my black top was covered by my letterman jacket that I somehow had time to button up.

My head was turning in every direction— and I have never been so frantic. I have never felt such fear spreading through and into my veins. My veins felt cold-blooded as I ran in different directions.

"Hannah! Beth! Where are you?"

I repeated over and over, never receiving an answer. The brr-type night was taking its toll on me, and it was because I couldn't feel anything. I felt so numb inside, and with each second, my task to find Hannah and Beth was coming out of reach.

Finally, after all of the searching came the relief. I heard the cries of a girl, and my legs picked up speed. I knew that it had to be Hannah, and hopefully she wasn't alone. Being alone in this weather would kill that poor girl.

The deathly cold snowflakes looked to be sweet and small, but the bitter breeze blowing signalized an even more scarier side at dark.

"Hannah! Beth!" My lips formed their names.

I heard faint cries for help, and my feet picked up quicker with each step. My vision became blurry, but I didn't care. I had to swing my arms in front of me, brushing leaves of the dead, thick trees away to see two figures.

One had Beth's pink coat on, and the figures turned around. Hannah wore Beth's coat, and I rushed to my friends. We embraced a bone-crushing, snow-melting hug that would last forever.

I cried, "I thought you guys were dead. . ."

"I shouldn't have ran out on you guys," Hannah whispered in remorse.

Beth immediately aided her sister, "It wasn't your fault,"

She comforted Han, "It wasn't your fault that our friends decided to pull a prank. Other than Sam and Ess; I knew they wouldn't fall for it."

I reasonably spoke, "We need to get back to the lodge. Immediately."

Hannah and Beth were nodding, completely understanding the sticky situation we were in. But suddenly, we were interrupted by some sort of scream. It surely didn't sound right, and I didn't want to stick around to find out the source of its cries. Neither did the twins.

Until Dawn | JOSH X OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now