xv || ONCE BITTEN . .

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AFTER Chris, Josh, and Victor, the flamethrower guy, left, all of us girls and Mike were scurrying to find a place to hide. Desperate to stay put out of harm's way as this is what Victor suggested. And apparently, in no time flat, news came that Victor was dead. Ashley and Mike thought it were the boys who were coming back, but it wasn't. The head of the flamethrower guy showed up at the front door. And that's when we all decided to go to the basement.

"Our best bet is to go down and stay in the basement," Mike informed.

Sam asked, "How long?"

Emily responded with no emotion, "Until dawn."

All five of us—Ashley, Emily, Mike, Sam, and I all headed down to the basement, and eventually into some sort of room with all these cameras that were located throughout the lodge. It was creepy. The feeling, I'm sure, was giving everyone the creeps. Even though Ashley's my ex-friend, I could really scan all of the emotions she was feeling. That kid was freaked out just as much as we all were.

We all were sitting around awkwardly until Mike walked in, looking stressed, "Thank God we came down here when we could."

My sister's ears shot up, "What? Why?"

"The flamethrower dude didn't make it. His disembodied head just flew right on the fucking patio..."

Mike replied, "He forgot a bag of some sort, though so I retrieved it from the living room. I hadn't noticed it until I was going to come back down."

Emily ran her fingers through her hair as Ashley shook her head. Sam and I just kinda stood there. Going back to Victor, for that dude knowing so much about these Wendigos only to die by one... Movie logic right there. That's really unfair.

"My God," Sam mumbled.

We needed this dude to survive the night, and the fact that he died... Now Chris and Josh are alone in the mines as they are searching for Matt and Jess in hopes that they're alive.

Mike started pacing around the room out of the blue, "Are these all the doors?"

Ashley replied, "Uh-huh."

Mike questioned in a more serious tone, "Are you sure?"

"Uh-huh," Ashley nodded. Good talk!

I tilted my head, "Mike," I paused, "What are you even looking for?"

Sam shrugged, "He seems to be looking for another way out."

Mike nodded at Sam's response. Sam's really good at reading minds, then. Extra-terrestrial human right there. Beat that, History Channel.

"I don't think that's a good idea Mike. We need to stay put right here until the morning," My sister protested.

Ashley agreed, "Yeah. We're safe down here."

Mike stopped searching and pacing and turned around to us, "Oh yeah? All wrapped up like a little present with a bow on top for that Wendigo thing to tear us apart on Christmas morning? Sounds like my kinda treat."

Until Dawn | JOSH X OC [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now