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Years Later

Emily's POV

I was making some chocolate chip pancakes as Braylon got some ice cream. "Bray, put the ice cream back". I said as she opened the box and started eating. "Peach cake, listen to momma". I looked at Chris as he picked her up and sat her down on the bench top. "We have to go shopping today". I saw Ethan crying, I washed my hands and I picked him up. "Baby, what's the matter?" I asked as he wiped his tears. "I fell off my bed and I hurt my arm". Then we looked at Chris holding an ice pack and Ethan takes it. "Thank you daddy". Ethan said as Braylon ran to the twins room and Ethan wanted to join as I let him. "Babydoll". I wrapped my hands on his neck and he wrapped his hands around me. "They are some troublesome kids we have". Chris said as he smiles. "Not as much as you used to be". I said as he pulled me closer and our lips almost touched. "You end up marrying me". I rubbed his chest and I kissed him. "I know". I replied back as I played his hair. "I called our family over for dinner". I said as he smiled. "I'll take Bray and Eth to the shops". He was interrupted as we saw Braylon holds Marcus's teddy in half. "Momma, Ethan broke this". I take the teddy as I gave it to Chris. "Christian, do your thing". He then smacked my butt and I narrow my eyes. "Your daddy is going to fix it". I said as I started to fry the pancakes. "Marcus and Cody are crying mummy". I looked at Ethan as Chris walked in as I told him to take over the kitchen. I walked to the twins room and I picked up both of them. "Morning baby boys". I kissed there heads as they calmed down and Cody smiles. "Marcus, why ain't you smiling?" I asked as he sneezed. "Bless you". I said as I walked to the bathroom and Braylon walked in. I sat the boys down. "Bray, get the boys toys and not to much". I said as I filled the tub warm water and mixed in some soap. I stripped the boys as I put they in and Braylon puts there toys.


Hours went by and Chris came back with the shopping as I was already started cooking. "Hey". I said as I was stirring the lasagna sauce. "Babydoll, your cooking without me". Chris said as he walked to me and he wrapped his arms around me. "Try". I gave him a spoon and he smiles. "Nice". I saw Ethan holding the lasagna sheets and Chris got the glass container out. "Baby boy, wanna put the lasagna sheets with daddy?" I asked as he kicked the stool to us. "Momma, I want fairy bread for desert". Braylon said as the doorbell rang. "Babe, keep stirring the sauce". I said to Chris as I walked to the door and I saw his dad, his mom, and Rebecca. "Hello". I opened the door as we hugged each other. "Grandma and grandpa!!" Braylon ran to them and hugged. "Hey, Rebecca". She just smiled at me and her dad looked at her. "Sorry Emily, don't mind her... We are happy to be here". I have to call him Moron and I have no choice. "It's okay". I said as Marcus walked over and he hides behind my legs. "Hey Cus". Rebecca said as she carried Braylon. "Hi". I picked him up and he holds me tight. "Where Cody?" Mary asked as we looked at him, he stood on the small table and he jumped off as he lands on his face. "Your dad used to do that". Cody just shakes his head and he ran to Chris. "He doesn't talk still... He'll talk when he's ready". Chris said as we walked to the hall, but Marcus shuts the door. "Is dinner going to be ready soon?"

Chris's POV

I was setting the food on the table as Braydon and Kelly sat down next to Braylon and Ethan next to Jason. "Daddy". I looked at Cody and I carried him as I threw him up and I caught him. "You said your first word". We looked to see Emily looking beautiful. Still beautiful from the day, I had met her and the day I married her. She walked to me and she kissed Cody's head. Anthony sat down with Sabrina. "Dinner is ready". We all sat down as I pulled out the chair for my babydoll and I pushed her in as I sat next to her. "You look beautiful babydoll". I whispered in her ear.


I tuck Braylon in her bed as she holds her teddy that, was Rebecca's. "Daddy, was Rebecca mad at mommy?" I moved her hair back. "Princess, grandpa made her come and she was upset. That's all". She smiles and I looked at her. "Did you brush your teeth?" She smiled as she shows her teeth. "Good girl". I kissed her head as she kissed my cheek. "Night daddy". She said as I stood at the door. "Goodnight princess". I turned off the light as I heard laughter. I saw Ethan on the couch as I ran to him and he jumped on me as I caught. "Sorry daddy". Ethan said as Marcus and Cody was watching while clapping their hands and laughing. "You think it was funny?" They ran to me as they hold to my legs and I walked to Ethan's room as he jumped to his bed and he threw his pillow at me. "Marcus and Cody, come with mommy". I saw them leaving as she blew a kiss to Ethan. "I love you mommy". Ethan said as she wanted to hug him. "Love you too baby boy". She said as she walked away and I sat down on his bed. "Eth, I know I haven't been around at home lately... I've been going to every soccer game and I'll be there this year". I said as I see his smile fades away. "I don't want to play soccer anymore. I want to play football". He said as I hugged him. "Are you sure about that?" I asked as he nodded. "Okay, we'll talk more tomorrow. Goodnight son". I turned off his light as well. "Night daddy". I walked to my room as I fell in bed. "Christian!" I looked to see Emily in her blue silk robe as I sat up straight. "Emily". I said as she sat next to me. "Your parents say, Rebecca is like you back when we were teenagers". I looked at her. "Excuse me? I was the bad boy. She is going through bad girl mood okay". I said as I turned on the tv. "You are a bad boy... Bad boys do it better". She then sits on my lap and I pulled her closer. "Babydoll, your tamping me". She then started kissing my neck as I rubbed her thighs. "Baby-doll". I moaned in what I was gonna say. "Yes baby?" She looked at me as I pulled her face down and kissed her as I pulled off the tie. I pulled her to closer and I got on top of her.

"You were the captain of the soccer team... Your the coach of the team". She said as I rubbed her side. "Okay, and what do want me to do?" I asked. "I want you". She replied back. "Fine by me babydoll". I said. "I just love you so much". I started kissing her and she pushed me. "As much as you love your car?" I gave her a look. "At least she gets under the hood, you hardly do". I only said it as a joke. "Idiot". My mouth drop as I acted like I was shocked and she slapped me. "Watch your lip girl". I said and I started to tickle her. "I'll will watch it". She just kept laughing. And we both laughed as she ran to the bathroom as I fell to the floor laughing. "Don't do that!" I looked to see her tying her hair back. "I got something for you". I said as I got out the box from under my pillow and I walked to her. "Chris, this better be nothing expensive". I opened it as her jaw dropped. "It's-it's beautiful... How much was it?" I rolled my eyes as I walked to her, I put the necklace on her and I kissed her cheek. "Babydoll, it had your name written all over it". I said as we fell back on the bed. "Oh really?" She laid her head on my chest as she wrapped her hands around my waist. "You and the kids are the most important people. You guys deserve the best". She smiles and kisses me. "I love my life and I love you". I said as the kids walked in and I grabbed Braylon as the boys jumped on the bed. I laid Braylon next to Emily and I put the twins in the middle as I grabbed Ethan as I hold him tight. "Dad". Ethan said as the twins made faces. "Daddy, I want a puppy". I laid Ethan next to Marcus. "I'll think about it". I turned off the light as Emily and I pulled the covers over as I watched her hold Braylon. This is the life I wanted for a long time.

I hope you enjoyed this book

-My Pretty Kittens

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